• spinning • (changed)

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We walk into the party, loud music surrounding us, and the bass of the music syncing up to the beating of my heart pumping the blood around my body.

" Drink?" Missy asks, shouting, handing me a cup filled with some, most probably alcoholic, blue liquid.

" No thanks" I say, lightly shaking my head, and looking around the room to see if I can see Cory, but he's not here yet.

I see Riz though, who looks in my direction, smiling and nodding at me at which I smile back at before Missy captures my attention again by hitting the cup into my hands.

" Oh go on" She Missy shouts , forcing the cup into my hands which I then take, before smiling and cheering with them both, as we all take the first swig.

" That tastes like absolute shite" I laugh, before taking another gulp of the drink because although it's cheap, it's sure as hell cheerful.

The song comes to an end, and changes to another one, and when it does Nas' face lights up and she smiles intently.

" ohhh let's dance, I love this song" she says, grabbing mine and Missy's hands and dragging us to where everyone is dancing, and we all dance together, drinks still in hand.


We've been at the party a while now. Shot after shot after shot, after that strange drink and I'd like to say I'm completely sober but that's a complete lie.

Doesn't help that I'm a lightweight, I mean I don't really drink like most of the kids in this party.

" You're so fucking gone" Riz laughs, as I walk over to where he is, away from Missy and Nas who are dancing still, stumbling slightly where he catches me.

" Drowning out the problems...You know Cory has a kid" I say, as I try to take another sip of my drink.

" No, have this instead" he shouts into my ear so I am able to hear him, taking my cup out of my hands and switching it for something else, I take a sip still though, even though I have no idea what it is.

"Jordan told me he couldn't even be bothered to see that poor kid." I tell him, taking another sip of the drink.

" Seriously?" Riz asks.

" I was really falling for that boy, I mean I think I'm in love with him. He stayed the night at mine yano, now I just think he's a bit shit" I say, which causes Riz to slightly laugh.

" Cory has good intentions" he shouts to me, as we watch everyone just dance together.

" If he really had good intentions he would've seen his kid." I tell him, and although I'm drunk, my words almost speak the truth.

" he did today you know, that's why he ditched this party" he tell me, which warrants a confused look from me.

" told me it was super important he did this, something about what someone what's said it " he shrugs.

" really?" I ask him, which makes me believe that that person was me, when I told him about my dad. I mean it's a long shot but if it's true.

That means that Cory might've fallen for me too.

" Yeah, and trust me Cory doesn't listen to anyone" he says.

" I - I" I start, about to say something, but I then get an overwhelming feeling of about to be sick, so it completely interrupts.

" I feel like I'm gonna be sick" I say, before running over to the bin, where sick comes out of what seems like every hole on my face.

" Can I take you home?" He laughs, to which I quickly nod at, because nothing seems worse than being in a spinning room with a bunch of drunk people that I don't know.

" Let's go" He says, slightly picking me up before we both walk to the front door and straight out of Zain's house.

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