• tutor •

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" Not made friends yet then?" Uncle Will asks as I walk into the PE office to eat my lunch.

" Nope. I was laughed at for introducing myself though" I say, placing my bag down and sitting in the seat across from him.

" Oh And 7 kids called me a posh twat. Hasn't been the best start" I say as he hands me a digestive out of his packet.

" And your sat in the PE teachers office. It really doesn't get worse than that" he says, which causes us both to laugh.

" You know the PE teacher at my last school was a pedophile," I shrug which causes him to stop laughing and to give be a worried look.

" No, he touched boys, not girls, I was fine" I say, with a straight face.

" what subject have you got last then?" He asks me.

" Biology with Mr Hyatt" I tell him, as I've already memorised my whole timetable because I had a multiple free periods throughout the day.

" I've seen more Asian people here that I have in my entire life. My entire school was so white washed it was like living in a bucket of paint" I tell him, which is completely true.

In London, especially in my area, it's all white people, maybe one or two black people but the majority just white and if I'm being truthful, majority of them racist too.

" Don't even get me started, your mother did her best to keep you away from them when in reality she was the problem, or the ' threat' as she liked to call it" He says, putting air quotations around the word threat.

" Are you still staying after school?" I question him, as earlier in our way to school he told me he had to do rugby training or something along those lines.

" Yeah, you can come if you want, or you can just walk yourself home" he shrugs.

" I think I'll stay, I've got nothing better to do I guess." I say, scrunching up my nose because the thought of walking home alone worries me.


"Sir this is a boys rugby team, and I think that's a girl" a boy says, as Will and I walk up to where the boys are stood warming up to play their game.

" This is my Niece Dan" He says, rolling his eyes at the boys comment.

" Thought it was your girlfriend sir" another boy says, as all the other snigger too.

" Nope, Go sit over there Julianna, unless you want to get trampled on" he says laughing, and ushering me off to the side where there is a bench.

" Wouldn't mind it, Will, but okay" I say before walking over to the bench and plopping myself down.

I watch the boys play for a few minutes before the headteacher, Miss Carter comes over to the pitch.

"Mr Simpson. Can I borrow Cory for a couple minutes" She asks, he quickly nods and then a boy, who I'm guessing is Cory walks over to her where she pulls him off to the side and begins to talk to him about something.

I watch his facial expression change to happy to almost annoyed. He says something back to her but I can't make out what he's saying, and then she says something back but he quickly runs off, back into the school.

" Cory!" She shouts as he doesn't look back at her, he just heads straight for the school.

I watch as my uncle walks over to talk to her, to see what the problem was, and his face drops too.

He rubs his chin in stress before Miss Carter walks off and he returns to coaching the boys' rugby.

It quickly ends and My uncle tells me to go wait in the car for him and I follow suit and wait in the car until he comes.

" Okay. I know this might be too much ask, but Cory is not allowed to play on the team unless he gets his grades up"he begins, buckling up his seatbelt.

" How does that effect me?" I question him.

" I'm asking you to tutor him." He says, which makes my heart drop, but before I say no he carries on.

" Only for a little while, all he needs is a C in all subjects, exact same ones you do, and if you do this for me I will pay you some money." He tells me, which kind of sways my view.

" How much we talking?" I question him.

" 200, if you manage to get him up to a C, in all 3 subjects"He tells me, as he pulls out of the driving spot.

" Okay" I say.

" You'll do it?" He says, quite surprised at the fact I actually said yes.

" Yeah, only for the money though" I laugh, which makes him laugh too.


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