• its you •

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I take the same route we took yesterday, heading straight to the field where he lead me.

I climb over the fence, and straight ahead of me is him, sat in the exact same spot he was before, head buried in his hands and his body moving up and down as if he's crying or something.

I slowly walk towards him, and he hears me, so his head snaps back and he rubs his eyes, which are tear stained and his face is burnt red, like he's filled with anger towards something.

" what are you doing here" He questions me, as I take the seat next to him.

" I heard you took off, and I didn't want you to be alone" I shrug, holding my knees in my arms, as I look out to the sky and he does he same.

" Mr Bell tell you what happened?" he says, voice shaky and not in his usual jokey tone.

" No, he didn't" I tell him, because quite frankly I don't know much that happened last night.

" My Dad. He gave our Jordan a proper kick in last night. I-I just stood there, watched him do it" he says, voice becoming more and more shaky with every word that's spoken.

I bite my lip, unsure of what to say as he turns and faces me, making eye contact.

" It's all my fault. Everything is always my fault" he tells me.

" Cory. It's not your fault" I tell him, gulping as I do.

His face turns to tears again, and he burys his head into me before crying even harder.

" Its okay" I tell him, as I hold his head close to me as he begins to cry harder.

I try to move his head, and begin to hug him, him wrapping his arms around me and mine around it.

" It's okay" I repeat to him, making sure that he knows everything will be okay in the end.

We sit there for around 5 minutes, his head buried into me so I don't see him cry anymore before he pulls his head away from me and looks back at the sky.

"just seems I can't do anything right anymore" he says, doing his best to avoid eye contact at all costs with me.

" you can't expect to do everything right Cory. You're young, you make mistakes. We all do " I say , placing my hand onto his knee

" like the mistake you made yesterday " he says slightly laughing.

" that wasn't a mistake. I-I got scared" I tell him.

" Because of what you heard about me" He asks.

" Cory you shouldn't be worrying about me and my feelings at the moment" I tell him, shaking my head.

" i can't not. I like you Annie. I've never felt this way about no one" He tells me, looking away from my face trying not to make eye contact.

" Really?" I question him, as although Riz told me this this morning, I couldn't help but feel as though it was just an excuse to get into my pants, as I know what boys will do sometimes.

" Yes, And there's a good thing in my life at the moment and it's you." He says, lightly smiling at me.

" you're stupid" I say laughing at him, causing him to laugh too, something that I haven't seen him do in the time we've been here together.

" No, I'm serious you muppet" he tell me, laughing.

" Cory?" I question him, which makes him stop laughing and look at me, ushering me to carry on speaking.

" Do you and your Jordan want to stay at mine tonight? Mr Bell and Will are out on a school trip or something for the weekend" I ask him.

" Really?" He asks, giving me a confused look.

" yeah, I mean it's the least I could do" I say, causing him to smile.

" we should get going, and I'll try to find Jordan, be at yours by 8" he tells me, jumping up to his feet and reaching out his hand to help me up.

" I'll see you then" I smile, as he looks me in the eyes.

" Bye Annie" he says, before turning his body away from me and beginning to walk to the road.

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