Chapter Ten

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A couple days later and she was up and moving again, ready to fight the monster and keep the people of Wonderland safe, once and for all.

But, there had been no sign of it since.

She wandered down a path in the forest, humming quietly with a spring in her step when she noticed Hoseok sat on a tree branch, humming quietly as his eyes were glued to her with a massive smile.

"Hoseok, what a surprise to see you here." She smiled brightly. He grinned and hopped down from the tree gracefully, landing right in front of her.

"A pleasure to see you." He smiled, but then again, when wasn't he smiling? "Are you waiting for the beast to turn up?"

"I guess." She smiled. Truth be told, she didn't want to leave Wonderland, the people in here were so much nicer than the people in her own world. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I knew you were coming this way so I thought I'd wait for you to catch up! I like our conversations!"

She laughed quietly, smiling as she co not yes her walk, Hoseok following beside her.

"Jungkook told me something." He grinned with excitement. "Do you want to know what he told me?"

"I guess I do." She turned to him slightly.

"He said you came here much much easier than Alice did. Much easier than anybody else did." He spoke, a hint of wisdom to his voice. "That's all he said. But do you know what I suspect?"

"What do you suspect, Hoseok?" She asked.

"I suspect that you're-" with that he disappeared.

(A filler! I apologise!)

Alice? // BTS AU //Where stories live. Discover now