Chapter Nine

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She lent on the sword for support, breathing heavily as the dragon had flee'd the scene. She let out a frustrated and exhausted sigh before collapsing to her knees.

"Min Young!" Namjoon yelled out, and she turned her head slightly as she heard his footsteps. "A-Are you okay?" He asked quietly when he neared her.

She nodded slightly. "Just tired." She weakly lifted her head and smiled reassuringly at him. That's when Jin entered the scene, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin behind him.

"Y-You fought that thing?" Jimin asked and neared her at a rapid pace. She nodded as she slowly rose to her feet. His eyes widened. "Oh wow! You're amazing Al- Min Young!" He grinned a large amount of awe on his face.

She smiled softly and winced when she put her left leg down, she looked down and saw a long gash down the side of her thigh. "You left with only that as an injury?" Yoongi asked with wide eyes, standing beside Jimin.

"I mean, I guess so..." She laughed sheepishly.

"How?" Jin asked wide eyed. "You got thrown into a house as if you were nothing!"

"I honestly don't know- Who's that?" She gestured to a male, stood behind a tree in the village square watching them. His nose twitched and she then noticed the white ears on the top of his head.

"Yah! Kook! What are you doing over there?" Namjoon called out. "That's Jungkook, he's the one that brought you here."

The male stepped out and walked towards her, eyes full of curiosity.

"See! I told you all I could bring a saviour here!" He huffed with a small pout. She giggled softly, taking a step forwards before offering her hand.

"I'm Min Young, it's a pleasure to meet you Jungkook-"

"I know." He spoke cockily. "I-I mean, it's a pleasure to meet you too Min Young." With that he hid behind Jin.

"He's afraid of girls." Someone whispered in her ear, causing Min Young to jump with fright. She whimpered in pain as she put more force and pressure on her leg which was still seeping with blood.

"I'm not!" Jungkook pouted.

"And that's Hoseok."

"Cheshire Cat, I should've known." She rolled her eyes playfully before dropping to the floor again, unable to stand on her leg any longer.

"Jungkook or Namjoon, one of you carry her back to my house." Jin spoke with a kind smile. "I'll get her patched up and ready to finish off the job in no time."

"It almost sounds as if you want to get rid of me." She laughed softly, holding onto Namjoon with one hand as she held the sword in the other whilst he carried her.

"We wouldn't want to do that Miss." Hoseok grinned. "We like you too much to want you to leave, it's just unfortunate that you don't belong here with us." With that his bright grin turned into a frown.

She sighed softly. "I like you all too." She whispered softly. "I'm glad I was brought here."

Alice? // BTS AU //Where stories live. Discover now