IV. Beside You

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My vision was fuzzy and I woke up with a slight headache and all I remember was me and Celeste lining up for the meet and greet.

I rubbed the top of my head sitting up realizing that I'm in an unfamiliar room but I see a mirror.

I noticed that this whole room looks like a dressing room but the thing that lost me was....how'd I end up here and where the hell was Celeste.....

I walk out the room only to see a big guy in my way....

"Excuse me sir can you tel me wha- well whe- well can you jus-" I said struggling to get what I wanted to say out towards this big guy.

"Well first off I'm Dave and what happened was you passed out before the meet and greet started and Ashton told me to bring you in here to get some air and once the concert ends your friend will come in here to get you.Did you not read the note?" Dave stated.

"What note?" I looked lost probably because I was but whatever.

"The note on the table that was next to you.." he looked a bit sassy with it which was kinda funny.

Loud music finally stops and I hear my ringtone in the room so I go back in to see who's calling.

"Found the note." I said to myself opening it up and answering my phone, it was Celeste.


"Woah woah can you tine it down a bit? Who has a black eye and where are you?" I asked my questions back to back.

"I'M WITH THE GUYS I'M TURNING THE CORNER RIG-" she yelled but I heard her in person coming towards the room. I hung up my phone and ran towards her.

"Where were you and what happened before I passed out?!?!?" I asked hugging her tightly.

"Okay first you passed out right when the guys walked out and seco-" My hearing went out and all I could see was Ashton walking towards this way, I actually could believe it was him.

"I hope your friend is okay." Ashton said with a sleek smile talking to Celeste but looking at me.

Did he not remember me? Wow that kinda hurt.

"She's fine but thank you guys so much again for taking her into great care like I still cannot believe 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER IS HAVING A DULL CONVERSATION WITH US AND ALL OF THIS, SHE SHOULD PASS OUT MORE OFTEN." Celeste said laughing and a small laugh came out of the pinkish haired band member as well.

"No no we don't need that haha." Ashton said with a blank expression with a small laugh.

"Um nice loom bracelet. Aren't you a little old to be wearing a loom bracelet?" I say clearing my throat right after.

"Ha this old thing; actually this loom means a lot to me, it came from a very special girl back before I became this famous drummer." Ashton said while making hand gestures.

"He talks about it all day every May 1st because it's the day he-" Luke was cut off by me.

"Left her..." I said in a low tone yet everyone could hear.

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