I put on some random pajamas and went to sleep, only to have another nightmare about

Sam again.


"Bye Mom! Love you." I yelled as I shut the front door. I ran to my car and hopped in. I let out the yawn I had been holding in all morning. The sound of police sirens and the police helicopter had woken me up at 5 a.m. I shoved the keys in the ignition and pulled out of the driveway.

As I was going down the main street, I saw a few cop cars hovered around the same area. I guess they spent all night looking for me.

I pulled up in the parking spot next to Brett's car and got out. I officially hate school now. I envied all the people who were having fun and laughing. The teachers always seemed to pick on me even though I had perfect grades.

I tapped on the window of Brett's car. He always waits for me because he's always early.

"Hey. How are you doing today?" He asked as he got out of the car.

"Okay, I guess." I said plainly as he gave me a peck on the lips.


"Yep. Okay. Not good, not bad, just okay." I explained. I knew Brett wanted more out of me, but I just learned to block everyone out. It would take a great shock to pull me out of this phase.

"Drea." Brett said tiredly.

"Really. I'm okay." I said while hugging him. The warning bell rung making us pull apart.

"See you at lunch?" I asked. Lunch for us was hanging out at the library doing homework together.

"Actually no. I have something to do. But I will see you after school. We need to talk."

"Okay. Bye." I said while walking away to class.

What did, 'We need to talk' mean? Was he going to break up with me. Could he not handle having a depressed girlfriend? Or was he going to force me into therapy. Maybe he's dealing with something at home? Why couldn't he have been more specific?! Maybe I was over-reacting. We need to talk could mean anything.

The lunch bell rung and I ran to the library, ignoring the footsteps behind me. I went over to Brett's and Andrea's table. That's literally what's carved into the bottom of the table.

I sat down and threw my books on the table and started to work.

"Damn! You run fast!" Carol said while taking a seat next to me.

"Oh. You were the one following me." I said while looking at her.

"Yeah. Drea, we really need to talk." How many times would I hear that today! "Something's up. I don't know what it is, but it's obvious. I'm not going to go until I get the truth. So just spit it out."

I looked at Carol. Was she serious? The look of determination on her face told me she was. I let out a small sigh.

"At my 16th party, I um, Sam, urgh." This was gonna be harder than I thought.

"Just tell me Drea." Carol said softly.

"He almost rapped me again. Except this time he got really close, too close." I said while sighing.

Somehow Carol had convinced me to tell her everything. I ended up crying, but it felt good. She comforted me while asking a few questions, not really pushing it.

"So are you sure Sam's dead?" Carol asked.

"Yep. Have you even seen him around campus that night?" I asked while drying the tears from my eyes.

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