Bad Day.

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Hey guys! I am so sorry for not uploading in a while, but this is really long, I promise! So a few quick things. I read all of your comments and if you leave a comment telling me to read your story I will. Also I decided no one will die until chapter 16 unless you guys vote! I want 40 votes, so click away. I you go to each chapter and click vote, than that's 13 votes right there. It's not very hard. And will take like 30 seconds. Leave me a comment telling me how long it took you. Also, Song descrption! It kind of describes Brett's feelings towards Andrea in the after school scene. So click play if you want to. Ok, I'm done rambling for now, So here you go!!! Chapter 13! YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I gave my mom another kiss before getting out and going back to my party. Brett slung his arm over my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "Are you okay?"

"I hope I am." I said back. I really wished I knew the answer to Brett's question. But I honestly just didn't know.


Chapter 13

**Andrea's POV**

I walked down the cold street with my hands in my pockets. I could hear Amelia's footsteps close behind me. We walked in total silence. She knew better than to try to start a conversation with me.

It was January, and I still hadn't gotten over Sam. He was so close to... ugh!! It sent shivers down my spine just thinking about it. I had gone into a small stage of depression ever since that night. I pushed everyone away, but managed to keep my grades up. I was still with Brett but he always insisted for me to see a therapist. But seeing a therapist meant getting my mom involved, and I did not want that to happen.

So I kept my mouth shut about it, even though it was killing me. I still have nightmares about it at night. My fighting skills have also gotten sloppy. More things slide by me every day. Carol has noticed, and I'm sure the rest of the gang has too, but whenever they ask, I just say it's nothing.

The sound of clanking blades made me stop and turn around. Amelia was fighting off four gang members from another gang. They must've tried to jump us and I didn't even notice.

I joined the fight, not really caring what happened to me. Then a sound no one wants to hear when their fighting with another gang came. The sound of sirens. They were really close, they must've been waiting for us. I looked at my watch, it was 2 in the morning. The rest of the gang had already gone home.

I pulled Amelia out of the fight and started to drag her down the street.

"My house is that way!" She said while pointing in the other direction.

"Oh, sorry. Get home quickly, and don't let them catch you." I said while letting go. She nodded her head and began to take off into an alleyway. I continued running in the middle of the street, while the sound off screeching tires came from behind me.

Great! I was being followed by the police.

No matter which alleyway I went through, or which backyard I tried to cut through, I couldn't shake them off. I decided to make a risky decision.

I turned around and headed for the police cars. Just as they were about to hit me, I made an abrupt turn into a backyard. From there on, I used strictly backyards to get to my house.

I hid in a bush for awhile when I finally decided to climb in my window. I shut it and locked and then quickly put the shades down. I stripped off my clothes and threw them into the compartment. They were horribly stained with blood. I also removed the blade and the gun from my pocket and put it with the rest of my 'gang material'. I now kept the gun on me ever since the hounds kidnapped me.

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