Violet Parr X Male Reader

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Alarms started blaring as the doors to a bank were broken down. The infamous Fireman walked out, he was dressed all in black and wore a firemen's outfit. Fireman laughed as police cars quick pulled up, two cops jumped out of the front and pointed their guns at him, "FREEZE!"

Fireman suddenly threw up his hands, his leather mask covered his face, he spoke in a deep voice, "Oh no guns my one weakness. I should just surrender now."

The officers looked at each other confused, normally super villains didn't just give up. The cops approached slowly, maybe this was their lucky day, Fireman suddenly let out a throaty chuckle, "Just kidding."

Suddenly, Fireman's hands burst into flames, he shot a stream of flames at the police cruiser that the cops had just arrived in. The cruiser exploded, Fireman laughed sadistically, "Let it burn!"

The police officers aimed their guns ready to shot, but before they could, their guns turned red hot. Both officers dropped them, Fireman laughed, "You can't stop me, no one c..."

Fireman went flying, a purple force field hit him. Fireman's fireman helmet fell off, he growled from anger as he stood up. A female superhero suddenly appeared, "A fireman themed villain? And I thought Syndrome was lame."

Fireman growled again, "It's not lame, it's cool, it's a play on words."

Fireman looked at the girl, she was no older than him, with long black hair, she was wearing a red super suit with a yellow "i" on the chest. Fireman smirked behind his mask, "And your one to talk, I girl."

The girl looked down at the I on her chest, she rolled her eyes, "Oh I clever."

Fireman shot a fireball at the super, she put up a purple force field, Fireman's fireball bounced off harmlessly. Fireman set his whole body on fire, thank god he wasn't affected by it, the superhero put down her force field. Fireman started to run at her, the super looked around thinking for a minute, suddenly a smiled appeared on her face, she suddenly disappeared. Fireman stopped in his tracks, he couldn't see her, "What the?"

Fireman felt another purple force field slam against him. Fireman flew up against a wall.

The super appeared standing over him, Fireman spoke in a deep voice, "You're good."

The superhero looked at him a bit winded, "You're complementing me? After I just beat you?"

Fireman nodded, "I recognize talent when I see it. And who says you beat me?"

The super rolled her eyes, "You're going to jail."

Fireman shook his head, "Not likely," Fireman's hands shot up flames shot out of them. The super barely had enough time to throw up a force field. Fireman watched in awe, "Wow," suddenly the super threw the force field at him. Fireman watched as a ball of flame came hurtling at him, "Oh crap."

A fiery explosion pushed the superhero back, she threw up another force field, the explosion easily went out but it was powerful. The superhero looked at where Fireman had been but she found that he wasn't there. The female superhero looked around, "Where'd he go?"

---------------------A few blocks away-----------------------------

Fireman walked through an alleyway, his mask was smoking, he was coughing up a lung. Fireman shot one last glance behind him to make sure no one was watching, then he started to peel the mask of his face. Fireman felt his (H/C) hair, thankfully it was still their and his mask hadn't melted into his face. (F/N) coughed again, he tossed his ruined mask aside, and spoke in his normal voice, "Note to self, make the mask out of a material that doesn't smoke when exposed to fire."

(F/N) took a deep breath and spit on the ground, he put his hand on his back, it was still stinging, "That sucked."


(F/N) sat at the lunch table eating his burrito, (F/N) took another chomp, it tasted awesome. Suddenly, his best friend Violet sat next to him, she let out a sigh, (F/N) didn't take his gaze off of his burrito, "What happened?"

Violet glanced at (F/N), she wanted to tell him so badly about her secret life, but he wouldn't understand. Unless he had secret superpowers that she didn't know about, she couldn't tell him, thankfully he didn't. Violet was happy that he was just a regular person that she could talk to, "It's just some guy nothing to worry about."

(F/N) nodded and took another bite of his burrito, he nodded, "I know what you mean, I..."

(F/N) let out a cough, it still hurt to talk, Violet noticed, "It's that spicy food isn't it? I told you, you can't hand that level of spice."

(F/N) scoffed, "Violet I can handle any food known to man."

Violet laughed aloud, suddenly the bell rang, she stood up, "I'll see you around."

(F/N) smiled and nodded, he watched as his completely normal and ordinary best friend disappeared from his view. (F/N) smiled to himself as he ate the rest of his burrito, it actually was really spicy.

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