Elise de la Serre x Male Reader

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The ringing of the coin, such a majestic sound, at least to (F/N) it was, whenever he flipped his coin, it gave a sweet sound. (F/N) was waiting at the harbor for someone, he was waiting for...an old friend. It wouldn't be long now, just keep flipping the coin, that's what (F/N) told himself. (F/N) flipped his coin again ready to catch it but someone reached out and caught it in midair. (F/N) stood up immediately and looked at the perpetrator, some thug who was tired of seeing (F/N) flipping the coin. "Give it back" (F/N) said, the bully started walking away. (F/N) walked forward, grabbed the man by his shoulder, and spun him around. (F/N) looked the man dead in his brown eyes, "I said, give it back." The man's yellow teeth moved into a smile, "Or what?" (F/N) didn't even hesitate, he swung his fist so quickly the man didn't even see it coming. (F/N) could feel the man's nose break when he hit him, the man staggered back, he had not seen that coming. The man looked at (F/N) angry, blood started pouring out of his nose, the man pulled out the knife that he was carrying.

(F/N) reached for his knife, but before anything else could happen, a woman stepped in, between the men. The red haired woman, didn't even look at (F/N), she said only one word "don't," (F/N) knew she was talking to him, he stopped. The other man wasn't as smart, he smiled at the woman then glanced at (F/N), apparently his broken nose didn't deter him. He laughed right in the woman's face, "You need a bi..." the man stopped mid sentence when he saw the gun pointed at him. (F/N) smirked to himself, the woman kept her serious expression "give it back." The man frowned and decided to cut his loses, he threw the coin on the ground, and walked away, clutching his face. As soon as the man left, (F/N) grabbed the coin off the ground, "I had that covered you know."

The woman turned to look at (F/N), "I know, but you have a way of...making a mess," (F/N) laughed, "It's good to see you again, Elise." Elise walked over and hugged (F/N), "You as well, Mon Amie," he hugged her back. (F/N) broke away, "So what brings you to my side of the world," Elise scoffed, "I wouldn't call London your side of the world." (F/N) rolled his eyes, "You can't even give me that, can you?" Elise started to walk through the harbor, (F/N) could sense her smirking, "I'm looking for information,"

(F/N) raised an eyebrow, "On?"

Elise replied "A piece of Eden in Paris, I need to find an expert,"

(F/N) smirked, "I'd say you found him." Elise exited the pear and looked to (F/N) his black Assassin's uniform made him look terrifying with a blade, but he was just a scary with a book. "The last time we spoke you didn't seem to care about that sort of thing," (F/N) smiled.

"Things change."

Elise nodded, "And you'll help me?"

(F/N) walked past Elise, "Of course, what do you need to know," Elise smiled she chased after (F/N).

"Have you ever heard about a sword being a piece of Eden?" (F/N) glanced at Elise, "vaguely." The pair walked down an alleyway, "I could tell you more, but I would need the books I keep in the lair," Elise nodded, neither pair noticed the man before following them. "How far until we get to the lair?" Elise asked (F/N) was about to reply until he saw three men blocking the exit to the alleyway. "You thought you could get away with that, HUH!" (F/N) turned to look at the man who had bandaged his nose really badly, but he had stopped the bleeding, their was a total of six men. (F/N) assumed his fighting position, "You should have left this alone," (F/N) said to the man. The man responded by pulling out his knife, the other men followed, one even had a gun, "What's the plan?" Elise asked (F/N) she was readying herself.

"Shoot the guy with the gun and take his partners, I got broken nose and his set of goons." Elise nodded she pulled out her gun and fired. (F/N) took this as the go ahead he rushed the three men, he swiped broken noses' legs so he fell to the ground. (F/N) saw goon A, with his knife, (F/N) grabbed the goon and threw him at the other one. The two men smacked into each other, giving (F/N) enough time to turn to broken nose and kick him in the head while he was getting up, effectively knocking him out. (F/N) looked to Elise and saw that she was doing just fine, she had already dispatched one of the thugs and was fighting the last one with her sword. (F/N) looked back, and saw the two goons had recovered and were running at him. (F/N) saw one of the goons try to kick him, but he grabbed his leg and brought his fist down on his knee. The goon howled loudly, (F/N) broke his leg, the last goon looked at (F/N) terrified.

(F/N) let go of the thug and looked at the last man standing, "If you run away now, i'll forget I saw you." The last goon looked at his friend as he was grabbing his leg in pain, he didn't need to be told twice, he ran out of the alley as fast as he could. (F/N) smiled and turned to look at Elise, he noticed she had finished off all her enemies before he had. Elise was leaning against a wall, she started to walk to (F/N). (F/N) was a bit shocked, "That was...interesting,i'm sorry about that." Elise stopped so she was inches apart from (F/N), "So we should probably get to the..." (F/N) was cut off when Elise kissed him, she broke away smiling.

She looked at (F/N)'s eyes, "I always liked when we fought together,"

"It always was a highlight whenever you visited."

Elise smiled at (F/N), "we really should get to your lair," Elise began to walk out of the alley taking extra care not to step on any of the thugs.

(F/N) couldn't resist asking, "For business or for pleasure?" Elise turned to look back, "both," she winked and kept walking with (F/N) following quickly behind.

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