Lara Croft x Male Reader

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(F/N) = First Name
(F/G) = Favorite gun

The sand was finally receding as (F/N) and Laura approached the hidden stairs, when the two made it into the tomb (F/N) pulled of his hood as Laura mimicked the motion revealing her beautiful features that briefly entranced (F/N). But before (F/N) could speak Laura said, "Looks like we found Anubis's 'never existing' hidden tomb" as (F/N) and Lara walked in the tomb a groaning sound was heard.

Immediately, Lara pulled out her bow and notched an arrow, and (F/N) pulled out his (F/G), suddenly the wall on the left turned into sand. A giant statue of the god Anubis but it was alive and moving; Lara immediately fired an arrow at it's eye and (F/N) shot at the creatures legs. In return, the statue snarled and swung its club at the pair the two easily dodged, followed with Laura shooting an explosive arrow at the creatures (F/N) shot at the creature other eyes.

The creature roared again but in pain this time, as it had finally been blinded, the anubis creature was stumbling around blindly. (F/N) quickly ran to the front of the creature not noticing Lara using a rope arrow to create a trip line; therefore, the creature being blinded walked right into the line. As the creature fell Lara quickly saw her friend in trouble,"(F/N)!!" quickly she ran and pushed her friend away from the falling statue and took the impact full on.

(F/N) screamed, "Lara!!!" and ran over to the ruins of the former statue, digging through the rocks of the statue. (F/N) found Lara in the middle of the reckage, completley fine, and cradling a giant red Ruby. (F/N) let out a sigh of relief, as Lara stood up and brushed herself off, "And yet again, I look like an idiot compared to the great tomb raider" (F/N) said still in shock Lara shrugged "You're not an idiot to everyone." With that said Lara kissed (F/N) on the check, adding "Come on, if you're not on the plane in 5 minutes I will leave without you."

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