Rebecca x Male Reader

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(F/N) smoked his cigarette and sighed as a bullet whizzed right past his head. He didn't even really seem to care. He took a puff of his cigarette, right before a bullet whizzed right by his face and shot the cigarette right out of his mouth. He groaned and pulled another cigarette and lit it.

Rebecca on the other hand was the complete opposite, "DIE YOU FUCKING MOTHER FUCKERS! COCKSUCKERS!!!!!" She screamed as she shot bullet after bullet at the Arashaka security. There were already multiple bullets on the ground lying in a pile. It wasn't long before he heard another clicking sound. She was out of bullets. Again.

Rebecca screamed in fury as she got back into cover, her red and yellow cyberoptics narrowed, "I'm short on lead!" She screamed as she started smashing her rifle against the ground, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

(F/N) casually reached into his leather jacket and pulled out his pistol, "Becca."

The woman turned, her sweaty blonde hair sticking to her head, as she smiled at him, "Oh baby you're the best!" She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the forehead before she jumped out from behind the desk and screamed at the top of her lungs. (F/N) heard her laughing manically. He could hear the corpos screaming out in pain as she slaughtered them with his pistol. He actually chuckled to himself. But then he heard it. The sound of Rebecca grunting slightly. The cigarette fell from his lips and hit the floor. He stood up quickly, his girlfriend was clutching her now bleeding gut. Everything went in slow motion. Bullets whizzed past him as he took in a deep breath and shouted, "Becca!" The world slowly turned red as he grabbed at his waist. A bullet hurled straight towards his chest as he unsheathed his samurai sword. (F/N) sliced the bullet in half as he leapt over the counter.

His arms moved his blade faster than the eye could see. Deflecting and cutting bullets out of the air. He seemed superhuman, even with cybernetics. His body was a blur as (F/N) ran along the side of the wall. Getting closer and closer to his prey. Bullets flew around him as he leapt at the corpos. His blade glistened in the electronic light. Almost immediately, the floors was slick with blood as the sound of screaming echoed through the streets of Night City. 

Rebcca groaned as she looked at her stomach, she had gotten grazed by a bullet. She rolled her eyes as she got up, it hardly even hurt, it just took the wind out of her. She grabbed the pistol she had taken from (F/N) and jumped out of cover. But the sight that greeted her made her yell out in fury. 

(F/N) was smoking again as he stood on a pile of dead corpos. His katana was embedded in one of the skulls of the men he had killed. Rebecca stormed up to him, "You were supposed to leave them to me!"

(F/N) scoffed as he grabbed his katana and yanked it out of the corpos head, "I was tired of waiting." He swept his blade to the side, letting the blood fly off as he sheathed his sword again.

Rebecca groaned, "You fucking asshole!" She pointed right in his face, "Fucking taking the fun out of everything." Her blonde hair flew everywhere. Her cyberoptics turned even more red as she barked at him.

(F/N) smirked slightly, "I love you to, Becca."

His homicidal girlfriend smiled and jumped into his arms, "You know that death and violence gets me going." The pair passionately kissed as they rolled around all over the dead bodies and blood. But then they heard it, a loud crash, as if something had been dropped right in front of them.

(F/N) looked ahead, sighing as he saw a massive black figure, it's red eyes were glaring at them, "It's that dick Adam Smasher...should we just ignore him?"

Rebecca giggled as she grabbed at (F/N)'s dick, "I say we pump him full of lead and then we can get it on." She grabbed a rifle from off the ground. Adam Smasher aimed a rocket at the couple, "I'll enjoy massacring you two insects!" He roared as he fired the rocket right at them. (F/N) easily kicked it to the side using his advanced cybernetics. He quickly drew his katana, "This is one fun date night," he muttered. As he and Rebecca leapt forward.

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