Bellatrix Lestrange x Male Reader

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"Avada Kedavra" (F/N) yelled, the green flash flew out of his black wand hitting the tree, the living tree wilted immediately, turning gray, it's leaves fell off, it had died quickly. (F/N)'s smile grew quickly he kept his wand up, his teacher walked up to him and checked his position. (F/N) looked at her, he smiled Bellatrix looked down his wand, "good, good, the dark lord will be pleased." Bellatrix looked into (F/N)'s eyes, "you've improved from the weak, sniveling boy you once were." (F/N) put his wand down, "that is good, I want to be better than all those mud bloods in the coming battle." Bellatrix took a finger and ran it over (F/N)'s face, "you already are," (F/N) smiled and caressed Bellatrix's cheek. "You and I can be right by the Dark Lord's side as he kills the boy." (F/N) smiled, he put his wand, "Shall we?" Bellatrix smiled and the two apparated away.


(F/N) stood before Voldemort, he was ready to complete his final step, "(F/N) (L/N), you have accomplished're bloodline is pure...and you are eager to please...I think you can go far as a servant of're arm please." (F/N) swallowed and stuck out his right arm, Voldemort took it into his cold, white, clammy hands, he pressed his finger on (F/N)'s arm. (F/N) breathed in, the pain rolled through his arm, the burning sensation grew but subsided once he took his finger off.

"Congratulations (F/N),you are one of this," Voldemort enveloped (F/N) in a hug, and released him. (F/N) smiled and bowed to Voldemort, "Thank you," Voldemort apparated away (F/N) smiled and looked down at his arm, the dark mark met his eyes. Bellatrix walked over to him and looked at the mark, "Good, you're ready."

Bellatrix ran her hands along (F/N)'s forearm, careful to avoid the mark. (F/N) put his other arm on her shoulder, "Thank you, for helping me get to my true potential." Bellatrix smiled and looked away from (F/N), "You and I can be by the Dark Lord's side as he takes over the muggle world," (F/N) moved his hand up to Bellatrix's black curly hair, "as long as i'm by you're side, I will follow the Dark Lord forever. (F/N) leaned in and kissed Bellatrix, she pulled away after awhile, "I will follow, you as well."  

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