Aya of Alexandria x Male Reader

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(F/N) wandered through the desert, aimlessly, tripping over his own feet, the sun beat down on him unforgivingly. 'I must keep going...I must keep going...I must keep going' (F/N) kept walking, that was all he was thinking in his mind. (F/N) had ran off from the farm he was working on where he was a servant/slave, (F/N) had no idea where he was going, all he knew was that he had to keep going. (F/N) was looking for anyone or anything, someone friendly, a domesticated animal, some water would certainly have been nice. (F/N) stumbled and fell, the sand burned his (S/C) skin, (F/N) stood slowly, then he saw it storm clouds, "Rain!!" (F/N) yelled through his cracked lips.

(F/N) held out his arms, he heard the thunder, he closed his eyes then heard a thud, (F/N) opened his eyes, and saw "a bug?" (F/N) looked at the bug confused, then another bug appeared it had fallen from the sky. (F/N) looked at the sky, more bugs started raining from the sky, "I hate bugs," (F/N) said, he started to run as fast as he could so he would outrun the bug rain. (F/N) turned and saw more bugs falling, and then (F/N) tripped over his feet and face planted, darkness enveloped him.


(F/N) felt light headed as he felt himself dieing in the desert, but then he heard a camel's howl, in the distant part of his mind. (F/N) paid it no mind, then he heard footsteps, hitting the sand, someone moved him so he was sitting up. The stranger poured some water into (F/N)'s mouth, he coughed and opened his eyes slightly. (F/N) looked at the person who was holding him, they looked at (F/N), "Thank the gods you are alive," (F/N) heard the voice it belonged to a women, she turned her head and whistled to her camel. (F/N) looked up at her she was absolutely breathtaking, her powerful brown eyes gazed slowly at her camel, her soft skin looked to be a gift from the gods, she wasn't a god though, she was an angel. (F/N) smiled and weakly moved his hand to her face, the women noticed this and gently touched (F/N)'s hand, "you will be alright," she said softly. (F/N) passed out, as he felt the angels hands on his arm.


(F/N) woke up, he was staring up at the dark sky, he could make out the bright stars that illuminated the night along with the moon. (F/N) tried to sit up but he groaned, his brain pounded in his skull, (F/N) looked around him, he was in a makeshift camp. "Ahh good your up," (F/N) turned quickly to the direction of the voice, it was the angel, "I was afraid, you were in the field of reeds, when I found you." (F/N) looked at the angel, she was sitting down and sharpening a sword, "You saved me," the angel smiled, "I did," (F/N) crawled quickly over to the angel. "Thank you, without your help, I surely would have died, I owe you my life" the angel smiled, "You owe me nothing, I was only doing what needed to be done." (F/N) smiled back at the angel, "thank you my angel, the gods truly sent you to aid me" the angel laughed, "I am a protector, but I am no angel, I am a medjay."

(F/N) looked at the apparent medjay, "I heard stories of the medjay, when I was a young boy, I thought they had been destroyed." The medjay laughed, "very few remain, I am Aya of Alexandria," (F/N) bowed his head slightly, "either way I thank you dieing of thirst in the desert is not a fate for all." Aya finished sharpening her first blade, she put it down on the sand, then she took out another blade and began sharpening. "That is true, what were you doing out their?" (F/N) grimaced, "running from a fate I could no longer bare," Aya looked up at (F/N), a look of curiosity on her face. "You were a slave?" Aya asked, (F/N) nodded, he looked at the ground, "I ran, I wanted a better life," Aya finished sharpening and sheathed both here swords. "What do you want to do with this life?" (F/N) sighed and looked at the stars, "I don't know," Aya laughed. "You're bravery is matched only by your ignorance, I admire that, you have the courage necessary to run, but you don't know what you're running to." (F/N) looked back at Aya, "All I know is that anylife is better than the life I led," Aya nodded and stood up she took the sharpening stone in her hand and walked over to her camel. (F/N) followed her with his eyes, "You are a brave man (F/N)
I wish you luck in this life you seek," (F/N) stood up and walked over to Aya, "What about you? What do you seek in your life?"

Aya finished fastening the sharpening stone to her camel, she turned around to face (F/N), "I sought nothing else but revenge, now I seek a new purpose," (F/N) looked at Aya, "what do you mean?" Aya smiled, "It means get on the camel, so I can take you to the next city," (F/N) laughed and climbed onto the camel.


Aya rode into Alexandria with (F/N) on the back of the camel, she jumped off, (F/N) followed suite. Aya looked at (F/N) and smiled, "I hope you find what you are seeking, (F/N)," (F/N) scoffed and looked at Aya, "you know you never told me your new purpose in life." Aya's smile disappeared, "My new purpose is...complicated," (F/N) exhaled, "Why?" Aya smirked. "I want to establish something...something powerful." (F/N) nodded, "then I have found my purpose," Aya raised an eyebrow, "I can't accept that offer," (F/N) shook his head, "I want my life to be about helping my angel to establish what you want." Aya looked at (F/N) and shook her head, she placed an arm on (F/N), she looked in his eyes, "If I say yes, you will stop calling me angel," (F/N) nodded.

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