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Manik's thoughts came to a halt as he  reached the living room.  He peeked into the room checking if she is still there and yes she she was working on some files. He tip toed into the room not wanting to disturb her.

Nyonika -" What do you want Manik?"
He almost jumped at her  voice .
Manik-" Apko kaise pata main hoon? "

He asked her raising his eyebrows. He looked so cute and innocent.

Nyonika smiled at him and said -"I am your mother Manik."

Manik -" Hmm. Are you okay? And also I saw you crying in the dining room so there is no chance of lying. "

Nyonika -" I am fine Manik . It's just I was missing my best friend."

Manik -"Really you never told me. Where is she?"

Nyonika-"She is no more. "

Manik murmured a sorry .

Nyonika -" It's okay you weren't  knowing . You know  she was my only friend in school and as well as  in college. She was the only person  with whom I used to share everything. "

Manik knew she did not told him everything . He took her hands in his.

Manik-" I know there is  something  more to it but I also know that you don't want to  share anything now may be you need time so I am going to give you that . But I also want to tell you that whenever you feel like sharing you can always tell me."

Nyonika  smiled and cupped his cheeks . Manik held her hands over cheeks.

Nyonika -"I know mera bachcha and it's nothing serious if I will  feel like I need your help I will surely tell you . Okay."

Manik nodded and said -" I should probably get going otherwise I will get  late for office. "

Nyonika nodded at him. Manik hugged her and said bye. Manik broke the hug and kissed her forehead and said -" Bye Maa  take care."

After saying that he almost ran out of the room . Nyonika sat there thinking about what just happened , she remembered his words and a smile came on her face and tears of happiness flowed from her eyes.

After so many years he called her that. In these six years  he never called her Nyonika but he never called her  Maa also .

Nyonika's POV -
I am so happy today after so many years he finally called me Maa . I will tell him everything once I find her . Yes he deserves to know about everything.
End POV.

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  Next update is going to be on Sunday.
  Thank you :-

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