chapter twenty-six

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"well, ira-reice copeland. it's very nice to meet you." he takes my hand in his and brings it to his lips, kissing the top of it softly before releasing. another kid jumps into the pool, sending a tidal wave of water right at us. the wave hits me, soaking my tank top coverup, and drenching zion.

"damn kids." he grumbles, although he's smiling.

he takes off his glasses, showing off a pair of forest green eyes. our eyes meet for a second before i pull mine away, reaching up to wring out my top.

it's really no use. the top is drenched. so, i reach up, pulling it over my head and setting it behind me.

while i hit the gym regularly, being at a pool party like this in a bikini after inhaling three plates of food, is not a situation that i feel entirely comfortable with. i mean, sure. there are plenty of women here dressed in bathing suits, but i've never really been the one to flaunt myself to the public eye. and i'm feeling real bloated.

my suit fits fine, and the strap that ties around my neck is thick enough to hold my large boobs. but, still. there's an awful lot of me on display. zion glances over at me and sucks in air, before a low whistle leaves his mouth.

"you sure are a pretty sight, ira-reice. what brings a girl like you all the way here in this backyard?"

"me." i hear grumbled, as odell gets into the pool and moves himself between my legs. "she's mine, zion. she's my girlfriend. go get your own."

his words are harsh, but they are nothing compared to his eyes. his hands reach out for me as they wrap around my back, pulling me into him. his head turns towards zion, before fisting one hand in the back of my hair and moulding his lips to mine.

i lose focus of everything and i totally forget that i'm here, in front of all of his friends and family, next to a guy that just a second ago might have been hitting on me, and give myself to odell.

his kiss is hard, way different than the other times he's kissed me. i open wide, letting his tongue slide between my lips. he mumbles something into my mouth, his lips becoming kinder.

suddenly i'm wet and in the water with him as he pulls me off the ledge and cradles me in his arms. he rests his head against mine, his arms still around my waist holding me up, as we both watch zion walk off and to the bar to presumably retrieve a drink.

"wow." i breathe, making his face soften and his lips brush the tip of my nose.

"be my girlfriend, ira. i need you to be mine, need to know that you're all mine. let me show you how good it can be between us. i promise you." he must see the question in my eyes, because he pulls back. "i need a label on us, baby. so i then don't have to worry about fuckers like zion tryna take you away from me."

the only thing that i'm thinking about is how this man makes me feel. maybe it won't last, hell it probably won't, and when people find out about us? they'll be hell to pay, i'm sure.

"okay." i whisper, watching his goofy grin break out.

"oh for the love of god, would you two just admit that you're dating already?" heathers' voice breaks the moment, and odell grins wide.

"we are." he turns his head towards his mom. "she agreed to be my girlfriend."

his mom smiles and claps her hands, before doing some little jump on the grass that made us both chuckle.


several hours later, i'm curled up in a chaise lounge chair in front of the fire.

the party has since dispersed, and after i helped odells' family clean up the mess, we all settled outside as dusk started to sink in.

my legs are across odells' lap, my feet dangling off the chair as odell wraps one arm around my shoulder, keeping me flush. his family looks on adoringly, as they chat about everything underneath the sun.

"are you guys staying here tonight?" his mom asks hopefully, and odell shakes his head while his brother laughs.

"mom, do you really want them to stay here? i'm pretty sure they might just keep you up all night." i inhale sharply as odell flips his brother off.

"i swear to god, kordell. you need to find your filter."

"i ain't got one." he smiles sweetly.

"no, mom. we're gonna stay at my place."

"your place?" my eyes flick up to his, and he grins down at me before sending a kiss to my cheek.

"yeah, it's right next door."

"oh, okay." i nod, and that feeling of dread starts to bubble over in my stomach again. he has a place right next door to his parents' house? of course, he does. because he's planning on moving back here. it's deja, isn't it?

"what's the matter?" he turns his face towards me, and i just shake my head.

"nothing, nothing at all."

"odells' house is nice, if that's what your worried about. mom makes sure the maid shows up every time it needs cleaning." jasmine tells me with a nod.

i just grin, but the panic inside of me isn't subsided. odell grips me tighter, giving me a questioning look, before starting to sit up. "actually, it's getting late. we should get going."

his mom groans, but shortly after everyone stands to their feet. in a few seconds, i'm passed around the entire beckham family, getting a tight hug each time.

jas is last, and she squeezes me tight, whispering into my ear. "he's a good man, despite his flaws. i promise."

"thank you." i whisper back, before i'm pulled back into odells' arms.

"ready, baby?" he presses a kiss to my forehead.

heather reaches out to me for one last hug. "be good to my boy."

"i will."

i will be good to him. but, the question remains. will he be good to me?

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