chapter sixteen

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explicit in some areas.

"i thought you said he didn't hurt you?" i'm shouting so loud that the nurses' eyes widen, as she glances at ira.

"wait, this is old? what happened?"

"nothing, i just fell–"

"fell my ass. this is from eli, isn't it? from when he knocked you over."

"who is eli?" the nurse helps ira roll back over, and her eyes are firmly fixed on the rest of iras' body. but mine are staring straight into hers.

"it's nothing." ira dismisses. "i got knocked down the other day at work and landed on my butt, that's where the bruise is from."

"is eli a boyfriend?"

"god, no." she exclaims, pulling her hand from mine. "he's someone that i work with."

"you know," the nurse starts. "i would be more than happy to have a social worker come and speak with you. if you need to, that is."

"oh my god." she groans. "no, i don't need to speak to no social worker. like i said, he's just a guy from work."

"a guy who should have never put his fucking hands on you." i seethe, before slamming my body back down into my chair.

"odell, you saw it. it wasn't even like that." she levels her gaze with mine, glancing back up at the nurse. "i promise. it was an accident, and i'm fine."

the nurse pauses, looking between the two of us, before ira smiles at her. "do you mind giving us a minute?"

"sure." she nods, before looking at ira one more time. "but, like i said, a social worker is available for you to talk to."

"thank you, but i'm good." she smiles.

"the fuck are you doing?" ira hisses, once the nurse is out of earshot. "why are you freaking out like that? she now thinks that i've gone head and got beaten, thanks to you and your big mouth."

i take a deep breath, trying my hardest to not go all out on her and lose my shit once again. that bruise on her back looks so painful, and i'm so enraged right now that i'm barely holding it together.

"you told me he didn't hurt you."

"why would i have told you, odell? i figured you were only asking so you could go back and hype up eli like everyone else did."

"you really think that low of me, don't you? you think that i would be happy enough that eli pushed you that hard, until you have a gigantic fucking bruise on your back? fucking hell, ira. i've been a dick in the past, but never on that kind of level." she falls silent, before closing her eyes.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that. i know now you're different. at least, i think that you are. but, you need to understand that i was warned way ahead of time to not show any weakness to you lot. that's why i didn't say anything."

"fuck." i mutter, rage still running through me. i don't even know what to be angry at, it's a combination of everything that's continuing to strike down on me today.

"listen." i sigh. "i get it, okay? but ira, i'm not like the rest. and i definitely don't wanna see you getting hurt." my words slice through me, even as i say them. because, hell. i'm the biggest dick out of all the guys right now.

no i didn't wanna see her get hurt, but i was the one who was stupid enough to take the damn bet to sleep with her. sleeping with her in order to get her fired will hurt her a lot more than getting a bruise on the back will. but, i can't admit any of that right now. she'll never speak to me, and that's something i can't have.

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