chapter eighteen

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"opening day, man. my favourite day of the year." landon slaps me on the back, before stepping past me to pick up his helmet.

"we're gonna sweep these fuckers and leave them crying." sterling smirks at landon, smacking my beanie off my head. "what's your deal, beckham? you look like somebody just shat in your cereal."

i grab my beanie and glare at him, sulking back to the locker room. "nothing, ass clown. just tryna get my head right before the game."

"see, that's where you fucked up man. you gotta get your head right the night before a big game. you know, find a girl and blow off some steam?"

"and blow your load." landon chimes in.

"fuck off, both of you." i mutter, turning my attention up to the front of the room, watching as coach steps inside.

"it's almost sad, buddy. you usually get the most ass out of all of us. i think that this bet has screwed you over, you know you only gotta fuck her right? it doesn't mean that you have to ignore all of the other fine girls this town has to offer."

"i enjoyed some chanel last night." sterling quips, grinning wide. "several times actually."

i zone them out, forcing my eyes forward.

if only that was the reason for my foul mood, i wish it was. i could easily go out and pick up a girl, without no effort on my part. except, the lack of it isn't my problem.

my problem is the gorgeous brunette. from her curvy assets, to her amazing smile and a mouth that moans my name to perfection. i swallow hard as she walks through the door, letting my eyes trail over her.

my heartbeat begins to quicken, and all the air leaves my lungs. because even while she's standing fully clothed next to the coach in our locker room, in my mind she's wearing nothing more than her underwear.

maybe if i would have done everything that i wanted to last night, i wouldn't be in bad shape today. but instead of burying myself deep into her, i stopped, leaving the both of us high and dry, and ran out of there like a scared teenage boy.

i couldn't help it though, it was all too much. way too damn much. everything about that night, and day in general, had me feeling some type of way.

i had tried to not think about it, tried to pretend that this bet wasn't hanging over my head like a dark cloud, but no way was that thought leaving my mind. lord knows, i have never in my life wanted sex more than i did in that very moment, or all the moments leading up to it. but once i felt her, i just knew.

her words that she had giggled at the hospital came crashing over me, and i knew she's never done anything like that before. of course, i could be wrong, maybe it's just been a really long time for her.

but deep inside of my heart, i knew that if i went through with it, i would be taking something she could never get back.

not to mention, leaving a piece of me with her, and opening me up to the fact that i may have a hell of a lot of feelings for her that i am way too stubborn to admit right now.

i rub my hands across my face, as coach claps his hands to get our attention, before giving us the same delving pre-game speech. i'm barely concentrating on him. as hard as i try not to look at her, my eyes keep wandering.

she has on a tight marine blue v-neck t-shirt, our team logo splashed across her chest in white lettering, worn white shorts hang perfectly at her hips, and i don't need to turn around to see if her ass looks phenomenal. i already know it does. her hair hangs down past her shoulders in long loose curls, and a white giants hat with our blue logo, was placed on her head.

bet on it - odell beckham jr. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin