chapter twenty

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explicit in some areas.

she's limp in my arms, much like a rag doll as i kick off my shoes. i flip on the water before standing under the stream, still fully clothed with her in my arms.

"odell, how many times do i gotta tell you?" her voice is barely above a whisper as i gently set her on her feet, feeling the warm water wash over the both of us. i keep one arm firmly around her, as she coughs again.

"we need to get these clothes off you." i begin to unbutton her blouse with my free hand, the other still wrapped firmly around her waist.

"no." she swats my hand away. and when i keep trying, she takes both hands and pushes my chest.

"ira, baby. let me–"

"i'm not your baby, and i don't need help getting undressed. that's a mistake i will never be making again."

"listen, i know you're mad at me. but, i've already seen you without clothes. so just let me–"

"mad? i'm not mad. i'm disgusted by you, i can't even stand you. you made me think that you were a nice guy, and for a split second? i thought that you maybe had a thing for me, but you definitely know how to make a woman self-conscious. that's for damn sure. just because i'm not some model doesn't mean i'm disgusting. so piss off, odell."

i stand frozen to the spot, my mouth hanging open, as she points to the wall. "ira, you have it all–"

"turn around at least, please." she finishes her statement with a wheeze, which is the only damn reason i turn around.

as much as i want to tell her exactly why in the hell i ran away, i know that it's gonna have to wait. she has to get that honey off her skin, before anything gets worse. breathing comes first now.

i hear the slosh of water as her shirt hits the shower floor, followed shortly by the same sound as her skirt lands in the same pile.

i become agitated with myself, knowing that she's basically naked and standing so close to me. "shit!" my head spins towards her, as i see her struggling to get her ace wrapped splint off her hand.

"don't look at me!" she hisses, waving her injured arm wildly in front of me. "i don't need your help, i don't need help from anybody."

she yanks at the wrap one more time and it begins to unravel, before that too is tossed into the pile. "the only thing that i need right now is a new job, because this shit is getting really fucking old."



she steps underneath the water, face first. and i don't bother to turn back around, there's no way i have that much willpower. how i resisted her the other night, i will never know. but right now, i have no fight left in me.

her body is on full display, since she's stripped down to nothing more than a pair of soft yellow lace panties and matching bra.

i step towards her, pulling my shirt over my head before yanking down my sweatpants. i let them fall to the floor before stepping out of them, and kick them off to the side. i take two more steps towards her, pausing for just a second before placing my hands at her sides and spinning her around to face me.

"what in the hell are you doing?" her eyes widen, as she looks me up and down.

i reach up, pushing the strands of her wet hair off to the side of her face, before pulling her flush against my body.

"you have no idea how fucking beautiful you are, do you?"

she blinks once before her mouth opens again, and her hands fly up to my bare chest, ready to push me away. "stop, baby. don't push me away, let me explain."

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