side story - Samantha

Start from the beginning

Nature calls out to me as I slow my jog to a walk, losing my shoes along the way, my toes sink into the moist dirt that has been wet from dew fog, birds chirp from the tops of the trees with mother birds tending to their young. Lost in the world, a branch snapping off to the side of me brings my attention to the trees and the eyes that stare at from the depths of the shadows.

I stop in my tracks, staring the wolf in the eye, my body hums with the already known knowledge of who it was before my mind could catch on.

Mason stalks from the tree line, his wolf surpasses the normal height of any other wolf, his huge paws sink into the dirt, his weight leaving prints on the ground as he walked toward me. The muscles underneath his fur ripple in waves at his movements, showing the strength they withhold, and those dark brown eyes staring me down as I stood unmovingly in his path.

He was nothing but a hair breathes away now, my neck tilting to gaze at him accurately, I could feel his breath breathing down on me and blowing small wisps of my hair.

Big brown eyes were all I could see. This was the first interaction we had alone together, other than crossing paths and him turning the other way that was all we had as an "interaction", staring at him now, so close though he was in wolf form was all I ever wanted; just to be close. My hand twitches at my side, soon I find myself reaching out — his eyes flicker to my hand but he doesn't move.

My lips part open when my hand makes contact and sparks immediately shoot patterns up my arm, my fingers comb through Mason's coat a low rumbling starting from the base of his chest. I step closer, in what little space there was between us, caressing his face, my heart aches at the soft look that overtakes his eyes and soon his snout was pressed into the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent.

The rumbling grows deeper, his front paw moving to the space between my feet to get closer, the sudden action of his tongue over the curve of my neck as if tasting what he smells, it makes me lock up and instant heat to flood my system moving down to my core. The sound of bones shifting and rearranging didn't reach pass the haze I had fallen into until I was wrapped around Mason's body his, his hands find my shoulders and gently push me away from him with flushed cheeks. He was standing before me in his naked glory, his chest presented to me among with other things, he clears his throat gaining my attention.

"Sorry. I couldn't control him for a moment," he speaks, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine.

"It's fine," I whisper, staring at enjoying his big hands on me.

He looked down at me, the wind blowing my hair into my face. He stares at me transfixed, the warmth of his hand sinking deeper into my soul, the connection between our not breaking until a squirrel far away ran across the ground, scattering leaves and bringing us back. The feeling I felt soon shattered when he dropped his hands from my shoulders and took a huge step back.

"I should get going. . ." 

He didn't wait for me to answer back before he was turning around, showing me his backside and walking in the other direction I've come from — him showing me his ass didn't matter as my mind was on other things.

"That's it!" I called out him, making him stop. "We just had a moment after who knows how long and you're just going to walk away like. . like that." my voice cracks.

He doesn't say anything nor turns to face me but his shoulders do tense up and his breathing changes.

"How long do you think I'll be able to wait? Wait for you to finally touch and hold me?"

His head shifts a tad bit to look over his shoulder.

"I get you're hurt from what happened but what about me? why is it me who has to suffer from a mistake?" I cry, the cool air drying the tears I didn't know were falling. "Let me be selfish for once, please."

He exhales a breath into the air, turning back to face the front, "I really am sorry." and he walks away.

I watch him walk away, the tears coming faster when he fades from sight. I inhale deeply before screaming into the air, the sound echoing around me, my heart aching more than ever, bringing me down to a bottomless pit that consumes my soul whole— my whole being and drowning me in the depths of it. I scream until there's no air left in my lungs.

"You coward!" I scream after him, my words flowing with the wind with the hope that it travels to him. "I hate you!!"

Though I shouted those words over and over again, crying and putting as much venom as I could behind them, it wasn't true, it will never be true; I loved him. I really loved him.

  ~ ✎ ~ ✎ ~ 

I have a knack for causing my characters pain and I swear I don't do it for fun 😭😂 this might be a four-part side story, depending on how much I write in each



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