Chapter I ~ Purple Ranger

Start from the beginning

Before I knew it, the space craft's parachute was let out. The colossal piece of black cloth unfurled in the wind and caught the wind, slowing me down towards the ground by just a tad. But for some reason, the threads snapped off the mini-ship, causing me to lose grip ofI snapped out of this shocked state once I realized where I was. "HoloBot! Give me a visual of what's happening outside!" I demanded, turning to the wall.

"Got it Miss Jenice," he said. A medium square holo-screen appeared and showed me what's below me.

But once I saw underneath the space craft blew my mind. I was going to land on the champion of Galaxy Warriors!

Grabbing onto the crate of Ninja Steel, I elbowed the 'DROP' button next to my seat. I was suddenly forced out of my chair as the seatbelts were unbuckled, falling forwards into the opening below. I properly planned my landing so that I would land right behind the space craft, out of sight from the other Rangers and Galvanax. Well, he can't really see if my space craft fell on top of him.

"ARGH!" The monster screamed in agony.

"Well, that was..." I heard a male Ranger comment. "... convenient."

"And look!" Another one exclaimed. "The crash made him drop his belt!"

"Along with our Power Stars!" A feminine voice exclaimed.

After a few clanging noises, the first Ranger yelled, "It's Morphin' time!" Whoosh! "Power stars!"

"Lock in!" The rest of the Rangers responded. "Ready! Ninja spin!"

I stepped out from behind my fallen space craft and stared at the Rangers in awe. I can't believe I'm witnessing a Power Ranger's morph from an outside perspective. In just a quick flash, their transformation was complete; they just had a similar appearence of mine, except the colors.

Before I could process, the Red Ranger looked in my direction. "Hey guys!" He pointed towards me. "Is that..."

"... a Purple Ranger?" The Blue Ranger finished hesitantly. "But how? When?"

I gave them a mock salute as I placed my other hand on my waist. "Greetings to you too, fellow Rangers," I greeted. "Although I'm not sorry for dropping in during this battle, I need to borrow the Nexus Prism for just a nanosecond. Kay? Kay."

I pressed a button on the case and it spit out a ninja star into my hand. Then I quickly flipped over the space craft and threw the star into the beginning-to-rot Nexus Prism. "This has to work," I whispered to myself as the insides of both the Prism and me began to spin.

"What has to work?" One of the woman Rangers piped in.

Right before I could answer, the finished project was launched out of the prism and straight into my hand. "This," I replied. I turned to face them. "An energy transfer star."

"What's that supposed to do?" The Gold Ranger asked. "And you may wanna hurry up or else that star won't last longer."

I sharply inhaled. My vision bounced between the Rangers and the Nexus Prism in its decaying form. Black rot blotches grew spontaneously across the middle of the Prism. I brought out my sword. "Energy star! Lock in!"

Then, I did something that made the other Rangers flip out. I struck my sword in the middle of the Nexus Prism.

"What did you d-"

"It's already destroyed! Why-"

"- was your pur-"

"Now it will never-"

"- the end of the Rangers now!"

"- did we trust this stranger-"

"- this star gonna do now that it's dea-"

"NINJA SPIN!" I yelled, spinning the my Energy star.

The star gave out a bright flash and a lightning strike-like spiral shot up my sword and into my arm. I felt my energy slowly begin to deplete and watched as the Nexus Prism gave off a soft white glow. Both of my hands gripped the hilt of my sword tighter as the Prism quickly returned to its true form.

As I unplugged my sword from the Nexus Prism, it practically drained whatever energy was left inside of me and caused my legs to give out. Luckily, my suit didn't morph back into my normal clothes. The Pink and White Rangers both grabbed me by the arm and held me steadily. They didn't notice but a red glowing orb shot out of the Prism's crack before it magically mended.

"Are you okay?" The White Ranger-ette asked. The rest of the Rangers surrounded us.

I had no strength to talk so I gave a slight nod. "That must've been some power," the Pink Ranger commented, letting go of me as well as the White Ranger.

"It's not over," I managed to mumble. They all looked towards me, obviously confused. "There was some sort of presence inside of the Nexus Prism. Hopefully, I was able to pull whatever it was out-"

Just as I was about to finish my sentence, Galvanax interrupted me by grunting vioently loud as he busted my space craft apart in order to break free.

"Thank you Rangers, for fixing my Nexus Prism!" He announced.

"It's not yours!" I yelled at him. "It belongs to the Power Rangers!"

I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I turned to (apparently) the Red Ranger. "We'll take care of Galvanax," he said, dropping his hand. "After that energy zap, you might need to take a break."

"Wait." I pulled out my Battle Morpher. "Battle Morpher! Claw mode! Activate. Grab and go!" The claw extended outwards past Galvanax and latched onto the crate. "Retract!" At my command, my weapon pulled the Ninja Steel back towards us and into my hands. Before I could tumble over, I set it down on the ground before the Nexus Prism out of the monster's reach.

I stepped aside and faced towards the Rangers. "Okay, now you can take care of Galvanax."

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