Chapter I ~ Purple Ranger

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She nodded and looked back to her holo-controls. "Already ahead of you. Setting course for planet Earth. Initiate protocol." Her metal fingers pressed against a red button and the lights turned the same color. "All bots. Head to your stations. This is not a drill. Get ready to go into hyperspace."

I slipped into one of the chairs by the front and pressed a button on the side. Two seatbelts appeared and stretched across my chest to create an 'X', securing me. "Take it away, CapBot!"

"Anitiate hyperspace."

Suddenly, a slight force pulled me back in my seat. The stars blurred next to me and the planets disappeared from my view. It's been a while since I've been in the Milky Way Galaxy. Last I've been there, I was around seven and gave away one of my two hand-crafted bots. NyxBot was the one I had; I donated RedBot to a kid around my age who was on Galvanax's ship. But that's a whole other story I do not have time for.

Finally, we pulled to a stop. I unbuckled my seatbelts and gazed at the blue and green planet below us. White clouds swirling over the oceans, a million stars surrounding the Earth, possibly more.

"Miss Jenice," CapBot said. I turned around. "They are almost ready for your departure with the Ninja Steel in the mini-pod. Any other orders?"

"Activate the Silver Solace's Ghost mode when looking for my parents' old house," I said. "But be careful, we can't attract any attention when looking for a camouflaged house."

I whipped out my Power Star and recited the command words as I plugged the Power Star into the star. "It's Morphin' time! Power star, lock in! Ready? Ninja spin!"

In a quick purple flash, my Ranger suit appeared on my body. The helmet fit snug over my head and my glasses vanished upon my face. The screen that allowed me to look through was designed to adjust for my not-so great eye sight. Once the transformation was over, I did a back-tuck and grabbed my Ninja sword from thin air. "Ninja Rangers, fear no danger!"

"Can the 'Ninja Ranger' go stop the danger?" CapBot asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes beneath the helmet. "You know that the Rangers have to do it like that. And just get ready to land the ship on Earth."

I grabbed my sword from my belt and twisted the star a little. "Speed of the ninja! Ninja spin!" And just like that, I sped off.


"You sure you're doing this entire mission by yourself?" NyxBot asked through the comm system.

I buckled my seatbelt. "Yes, NyxBot," I responded, flipping a few switches. "I've trained for this. This is my chance to go to Earth. If I don't fix that Nexus Prism, there will be no more Power Rangers." I pulled the lever labeled 'Prepare for LAUNCH'. "And besides, I'll see you back down on Earth. The protocal is for when we have to start our life on Earth."

"But what about your business up in space?"

"That's also part of the protocal," I said proudly. "CapBot is our pilot, so she will be able to do all the stuff in space. I'll enroll into the local high school next school year, which will be in a couple of months."

CapBot's voice came on. "Departure in t-minus ten, nine, eight..."

"So yes about school?" My homemade bot asked, noticeably smug.

I rolled my eyes. "I already said this; see you on Earth!" I turned off the comm link between us.

"...five, four, three, two, one!"


In a blink of an eye, the space pod was ejected from the Silver Solace and blasted down towards Earth. I watched it as the ship shrunk due to the increase of distance between us. It seemed like I was being pulled down to Earth by its gravitational pull once I realized the rim of the window was slightly flaming up. My hand tightly gripped the handle of the crate of ninja steel as I accelerated.

The Stars That Were Rewritten ~ A PRNS FF (ON HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin