chapter 11

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Mallow was walking behind her classmates by a few feet, looking at them with a contemplating expression. She wonders if the plan worked because right now she could not make heads or tails on the matter. During the seemingly long walk to the dining room, Mallow would notice Lillie inching a little closer to Ash, who would stroke the egg in Lillie's arms occasionally. They seem close, but they have not said a single word since they left the room they were previously in.

That begs the question, "What happened back there?" Mallow thought, somewhat worried for her friends. "And why isn't Ash telling me anything?"

She tried asking them a couple of questions, but they continued to ignore her, much to her chagrin. A blush of anger appear on her face as it also twisted into a vexed look.

"Lillie, as a good friend, you're lucky that I won't be going up your business," Mallow thought about her friend, "but for you, Ash Ketchum, you're definitely going to spill the beans or else!"

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