"WHAT DID HE DO?"Thea shouted with equally matched fury. A protective twin sister, huh? I guess I'd have to take them both down.

"I didn't mean to-"Ted whimpered, but I cut him off almost immediately. "Do you really expect me to believe you didn't mean to write her the letter?" I snickered. "It's too late for that. I'm not a fool, Ted. I recognize the handwriting. They're all written by one person."

"What letters?" Thea asked, her voice dropping down to a whisper. The fact that she had managed to calm down infuriated me even more. I slapped Ted once again, causing him to yelp out in pain.

"What's happening here?" I heard Will demand from the doorway. Thea turned towards him, and I could sense anger vibrating off her body. "How did you get in here?" She shouted at him.

"Why's everyone shouting?" Will asked worriedly, making his way into the room.

I touched the side of my face and was surprised to find it wet. I'd been crying and I hadn't even realized.

"Why'd you write the letters?" I asked coldly, turning towards Ted once again.

"What letters?" Will interjected.

"Why'd you write the letters?" I repeated, my tone rising, ignoring Will's question.

"I knew that if I acted as the villain, Will could come in and save the day by being Daisy's hero."

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?"I shrieked, lunging towards him once again. Was he out of his mind? Was I out of my mind for falling in love with him?

"YOU WROTE THE LETTERS?"Will shouted, fuming with anger. Initially, I thought he was in on the plan too. He was a tad bit desperate that way. But seeing his reaction, I was completely thrown off. That meant that Ted himself devised this whole plan and executed it. There was no way he had enough time on his hands for all that, much less cruel intentions. Something felt off.

"DON'T GET INTO THIS, WILL," Ted shouted back.


"Were you thinking of her when you kissed my sister?" Ted asked calmly.

Thea's mouth dropped open in shock, and so did mine.

"YOU WHAT?!" I shouted at Will.

"TED, WE SAID WE WOULDN'T TALK ABOUT THAT,"Thea looked like she wanted to murder her brother.

"How could you tell him?" Will asked Thea, looking utterly betrayed. Betrayed, ha. He was feeling betrayed?

"How could you write such awful things to someone?" Thea turned to Ted, bringing the conversation around once again. I looked at each of them individually, unable to express my disappointment, anger and hopelessness.

They were all being driven insane. Project Mirror, Mirror, an innocent plan started in order to create a fairytale ending for two star-crossed lovers, was becoming nothing but a game of dirty politics.

"It's funny how you all said you loved Holly. It's really bloody funny," I laughed with no trace of humour. And along with them, there I was, being driven insane too.

"You don't know how heartbreak feels, Ava,"Will said, and I laughed even harder.

"Will, darling, you don't understand what love feels like. If you did, you wouldn't have kissed another girl."

"It's funny how you think you can just play around with people however you wish. You kissed me because you were heartbroken. You kissed me because you wanted a distraction. What about me, Will? Am I supposed to go on, knowing that that kiss meant absolutely nothing to you? Looks like I'm everyone's distraction now,"Thea said, and I felt my heart ache for her.

"It meant something to you?" Will asked softly, looking into her eyes.

"NO, IT DIDN'T. LEAVE HER THE HELL ALONE, WILL," Ted shouted defensively, looking at Will like he was a predator.

"You don't have to fight my battles for me, Ted. I could've gotten Daisy without your help, thank you very much," Will spat out, and Thea struggled to hold back her tears.

"Are they all just conquests for you? Other than Holly, do you actually love the alters? Or are you just fooling yourself into believing that they're all Holly just because they look like her?" Thea asked, enraged.

Will remained silent, not knowing what else to say.

"Then you don't know what heartbreak feels like after all," I said in a venomous tone.

"Look at us," Ted whispered. "Four best friends. Look at what we've become."

"Look what you've become," I corrected coldly, glaring at all of them. They all betrayed Holly. All of them. I truly believed they were right for her. I believed they loved her.
I was wrong.

"Have you done anything you regret, Ava?" Thea asked softly.

I smiled. "Actually, yes I have."

I walked straight towards the door, done with this conversation and done with all of them.

Smiling again, I answered Thea's question.

"I fell in love with Ted."

• • •

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