the hundredth time i'll be doing this is2g

Start from the beginning

- this is um uhhhhhhhhh fuck. for now, let's just say that it's invalid because there are no lyrics-- and-- *cries* JUN GET BACK HERE WHY WOULD YOU KILL ELLIOT UGH. but song interpretation, i need calm. peace. stability. appreciation for all things serene and simply beautiful. i need all that to be able to push forward. wow, good point. still cri

9. What is the best thing about your friends?

√ specimen girl //kamui gakupo//

- best thing about them is that they're possessive, mentally deranged fucktards who would replace your eyes with glass because they don't want you looking at anyone else other than them. so basically, they are yandere psychos. seems like the best thing that ever happened.

10. To describe your grandparents.

√ KINGS //angela//

- since i haven't gotten round to listening to the full song as of yet, i can only make a rough interpretation from the tv-size. basically... they're people with conflicting ideals or views of justice, but they want to connect, and that connection is something they find peaceful amidst the raging war??? or the connection is a mutual understanding of what they're fighting for from two different points of view, and that they hold each other in the calm of battle. or something.

11. How is your life going?

√ hotaru //fujita maiko//

- yes, this is, indeed, the hotaru. i don't know how to interpret this, but it's probably something like... "i am currently confused by what is happening around me, because i try to understand people, but the suffocating feeling of not being able to is making me cry". what. the song is just too linked to the anime that i can't give it any other meaning, other than me referring to an actual human being, and, not being pleased with myself since i can't understand this certain human. and the day for us to separate is drawing near. like... this person opened their heart to me, but when i touched it, it broke, and i couldn't understand any more than i initially did. pretty tough.

12. What song will play at your funeral?

√ sugar song and bitter step //UNISON SQUARE GARDEN//

- this is definitely not for a funeral. but man, it's "i'm confused, i don't understand myself, but i don't care as long as i'm having fun during my stay" or, in this scenario, "i haven't found myself, but although this death is bittersweet, i don't mind because i had a lot of fun when i was still living." enough said.

13. How does the world see you?

√ daze //GARDiNELIA//

- the one who showed people that loneliness is never an issue. roughly. i didn't really get a good grip on those lyrics.

14. Will you have a happy life?

√ don't say lazy //hokagyakou tea time//

- probably yes, as long as i never give up on my "dreams" (give me some) and as long as i don't listen to everyone else's putdowns out of their own belief of the fact that i can't do this and that, because they've never seen me attempt it openly. also, i will have a happy life as long as i would be able to act accordingly, with enough emotion and mental prowess, on the situations that come my way???

15. Do people secretly lust over you?

√ lacrimosa //kalafina//

- no they do not, for i am as dark as the night, yet beautiful as the moonlight. snort.

16. How can I make myself happy?

√ bauklötze //hiroyuki sawano & mika kobayashi (vocals)//

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