Azure's everything.

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Grey of course took his cold shower and went to bed.

Two weeks passed and none of them brought up what happened that night, they just continued their regular routine of kisses and make out sessions, none going too far. The girls had been disappointed and Azure spent more and more time with them, letting herself soak in the dirtiness of their words and actions.

Azure was cleaning the office room that late noon when Grey quickly ran into the room asking her to quickly follow him to his car. She asked why over and over again but he told her to hurriedly get in the car, that she'd only understand if she saw it herself.

When they entered, she saw the flirty doctor looking stressed and her hair was out of place. On a normal day, Azure would leap in joy that work was depressing that woman, but she knew well that the only 'work' in quote would be her father. She had thought about him and she had decided that if her father got better, she would never remind him of what he put her through, that she'd just try to forget and love her father. She pictured them living together as a happy family.

"This morning, he wasn't coming out of the room, he asked to be left alone for a while and when we got back to him, we found him dead. He slit his own throat but before he did, he left a note." She handed over the note to Azure but seeing as Azure was in shock with watery eyes, Grey took the note.

"He was apologizing for the evil things he did to you. Apparently, someone went ahead and told him everything. We found who and his license has been revoked. I'm sorry or your loss Miss Pierce." The doctor left their presence without sparing them a glance back, she blamed everyone for the death of the man. People failed to understand that it wasn't his fault and he didn't deserve to die, she could mentally see Miss Pierce and Mr Corner rejoicing at his death.

"I know you're shocked but...."

"I was willing to let it all go. I was hoping that with time, all the hatred I felt for him will fade and I'll be able to see him as my father rather than my captor because no matter what happened, he still was my father. But now, he is gone. I wanted this then, but now..... " She quickly wiped the lone tear escaping her eyes. "You can read the letter, see if it helps with the investigation and then tear it up. I'm not going to read it. He was a coward, rather than apologize he preferred to take his life. That's his business, I don't care anymore. Let's just get out of here."

Grey didn't dare argue with her. He took her with him to his PI's house as he went to talk. He knew that she needed to be with him.
Not Roseline, not Talia, not anyone but him. He was well aware of how she was holding in all the newly found anger towards her father and how she was holding back on the tears she wanted to release.

"I could've come to you Nick, you didn't have to come to my house."

"There's no difference, just tell me what's the update and if there's anything I need to do."

"We have a great learning who the murderer is. The truth is that it's indeed a woman. We looked into the footage we received the other day and we were able to track down who was always going to that floor. It was indeed a staff but she goes by the name Zina Cora and not what Mr Pierce was used to.
We have arrested her and are currently trying to get some information from her. She lawyered up and refused to give us any information saying that she just happened to be going upstairs at that time. It could've been anyone."

"So, we can't do anything to her. If she is the killer's accomplice then she's not going to be that easy to take down."

"We looked into her phone call records, emails and card transactions. I really didn't expect to find anything there, I suspect that she uses an untraceable phone for her calls. Then again, she is a head doctor and she deals with manipulating people's minds as treatment and so it's allowed for her to purchase such drugs. The problem is that she doesn't seem that rich, the hospital is backing her up to say that they financed the drugs. It's all in a circle but I'm sure we'll find something sooner or later."

Azure's Hope ( COMPLETED✔️) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora