Azure's family.

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The day of the event drew near and Grey and Azure decided that they would visit her father after the event. The days had gone by so fast, it was either she went to Natalia's house or she followed Nick to work, sometimes, she visited the office of some therapists. Grey said it would be best if she chose the therapist she felt the most comfortable with and so far, she hadn't come in contact with anyone of that sort.
He also set her up for gym lessons, he claimed that exercising helped the mental health of a person, not to mention her extraordinary eating habit.
The event would be in the evening the next day and Grey and Azure sat on the sofa in the sitting room watching reruns on some random series.

"I've been thinking, what happened to the man that you beat unconscious that day? Is he alright? Did he say why he did that? Judging from the way you were angry, I'd believe that he was someone you trusted, like a friend who just betrayed you."

"You're right. He was my friend, I literally discussed everything with him. Everything that involved my work life and even my personal life. It wasn't too long ago that he started acting weird and all, always eager to leave my presence. I sensed something was wrong but he wouldn't ever say what, I really felt betrayed then, but now I only feel pity for him."

"Well, what happened?"
"A bunch of directors asked him to do it, he refused at first of course, but that was the problem. He got home one day and his wife wasn't home, there was a note saying that she'd die if he didn't do it. He reasoned it properly, even if the price was over a billion, it wouldn't dent the company's bank account, the death of his wife would however, break his heart real bad. I couldn't agree more with the decision he made, if I were in his situation and Natalia or our parents or worse you, were involved, I'd do exactly what he did. The directors have been arrested."

"And his wife?"

"I had my private investigator look for her. She was found in less than a day after he told it all to me. I gave him back his job by the way, although not as my legal team head. He works in another branch as a legal team head."

"That's good. It really wasn't his fault, I'd do the same as well if you or your family were in trouble."

"Good. By the way, what do you want to be done to Katherine. Do you want her to go to jail, or would you rather leave her on the streets helpless."

"Katherine is a monster. She is a heartless psychopath. Sending her to jail will be too good for her, I'd rather she stays on the street and faces the public she was so desperate to throw me to, as meat to be devoured. I want her to remain helpless on the streets forever, no one wanting to sell to her or buy from her because of her filthy attitude, I want her to suffer more than anyone ever has."

"And so shall it be your highness. " Azure let out a little laugh at his silly joke.

"You still haven't found a therapist of your choice?"
"No, they're either too mean or they've seen the news and are rather busy being curious about..... I don't know, they're tip toeing around too much and I feel it's unprofessional and disgusting. I hate being pitied by them."

"It's okay, we'll keep looking. Actually my mom wanted to be a therapist herself and she has a lot of connections with their kind of people. She could be of some help to you if you want. They'll be old of course, but the young ones aren't exactly of any help so far."
"We'll see."
There was some minutes of silence before Azure got tired of the deafening silence.

"Gosh, look at her body. It's like legit body goals, and she knows it like...... If I were a lesbian, I'd totally do her." She started, referring to the girl on TV wearing a teddy.

"Well you're not a lesbian and I am the only one you're allowed to do. You have a perfect body Azure I mean do you know how many girls would die to have your body? Take Natalia for example, she is always complaining to me that she is too fat and she wants to be like you. I've got her like a million gym instructors but she says no, says they ain't doing a perfect job getting her body to look like yours, she has her eyes set on your body shape. You're pretty awesome you know, give yourself some credit."

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