Azure's Office Day.

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"You sure it's okay for me to be there with you? I can hang out with your sister you know, or even help Candy out a bit. I don't want to disturb you at work."

"Listen to me my love, I want - scratch that, I need you at work with me. I couldn't possibly get any work done if you aren't there. You won't be a disturbance to me okay. "

Azure nodded in understanding. The early hours of that morning had been heated for them. Of course it ended with the two adults in tears as they ripped their hearts open while declaring their feelings for each other. Trying to make each other understand that the words spoken the previous night were meaningless and how sorry they were for saying it. Eventually, they went back to sleep.

Azure however, did not let Grey get up before her. She stared a bit at his sleeping figure a bit before she went downstairs to the kitchen to make him some breakfast. As punishment to herself for her shameful act last night, she made just a slice of toast and a cup of coffee for herself as breakfast. However, she went ahead and made some fruit salad, tomato sauced eggs and some toast for Grey. She coupled it up with a glass of fruit juice.

She set it all up in a tray and took it up for him in the bedroom. She was feeling a little giddy and so rather than just give him a little shake to wake up, she went ahead and pecked him on his lips giggling to herself with a flushed face. That was definitely something Grey could wake up to everyday.

A smirk was plastered on his face as he quickly caught her before she managed to scramble out of the bed in embarrassment.

The food was amazing but then again, it seemed rather vain for Azure to think that he would let her go till lunch on just toast and coffee.

To be honest, she made excess breakfast for him and specifically told him what she had for breakfast, just so he'd force her to eat his own with him. Only he didn't have to force her, she was more than willing to oblige.

They took a shower together and Grey insisted that she followed him to work. Not that she didn't want to go, she just still felt a little more than guilty about last night and she couldn't understand why he'd be able to stand her presence for even a second.

She felt like he wanted space but was offering for her to follow him just so he wouldn't hurt her feelings, she believed her words were too upsetting for him to just forgive her like that and he knew she knew he knew that she believed it.

Finally, he got her to dress up and follow him to work. Since breakfast, he had been kissing her anytime he felt like it and she could feel her heart flutter every time he did it. She wasn't used to that kind of gentle intimacy.

She noticed how everyone at work seemed to fear him and gave her different looks

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She noticed how everyone at work seemed to fear him and gave her different looks. Some, she could recognize as hate, some curious, some surprise and other expressions.

He barely said anything to any of his workers as he walked by them, the most he said were 'good morning' and that was only to a few people. He made sure to show his possession on her as he held her waist and led her to his private elevator taking them to the 50th floor which had only one extremely large conference room, a bedroom of sort, his office and his secretaries office which was positioned right beside his office.

Azure's Hope ( COMPLETED✔️) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu