The Warning Given

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Note: The pictures above belong to their rightful owners. (Not Me)

          Will sat there on his bed, staring down at his feet. Maureen put her hands on his shoulders. "Will, are you sure you don't know what happened?"

         "I'm sure... why is it such a big deal?" He asked looking into her eyes. 

         "This is the fifth time we've had to wake you up. And you say 'why is it a big deal'? It's a big deal because what if you couldn't wake up the next time this happened? What if you died?--" 

         "Penny, stop it."

         "Not now, mom. Everyone is worried about you, Will. You don't know what happened. We don't what happened. This is why mom wanted Judy and I to stay in this room with you. Because we love you! How could you say that?! Now, get some breakfast!" Penny stormed out of the room with tears in her eyes. 

          Will frowned, "Wow, I didn't mean it to be like that... Sorry, guys."

        "It's alright, William." John said sitting down. He crossed his right leg over his left and cleared his throat, "Don't let it get you down. Chin up. It'll be okay."

         Suddenly, the security alarms went off. John quickly grabbed his gun from its holster and ran towards the entrance of the Jupiter 2. He looked out of the nearest window and saw a humanoid creature staring back at him from outside. 

        He pulled a handle from the wall down and a speakerphone popped out of the top of the handle. He spoke into it, "Hello, this is John Robinson speaking from the ship Jupiter 2. If you can understand me, take two steps backward,"

        The creature tilted its head and did as he was told.

      "Okay, good. Now, this perimeter alarm will go off if it senses you are a threat. If you are a threat to us, stand down and leave or you will be terminated. This is a warning to you. But if it senses you are not a threat, you are welcome here. This device does not lie; so proceed with caution. Take four steps forward to meet with the perimeter edge," John continued.

        The creature moved forward four steps. The lasers turned from red to blue. John turned to Maureen who was hiding Judy and Will. "What does blue mean, dad?" Will asked. 

     "Neutral. It means the creature is harmless unless we hurt it. It will hurt us if we do that." 

     "Can we trust it?" Judy asked.

 John sighed, "I don't know."     

Lost in Space: Danger Will RobinsonWhere stories live. Discover now