Chapter 5: The Wolf

Start from the beginning

"Our army?" Lucy questioned.

"Mom sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war." Susan said.

"I've think you've made a mistake, we're not hero's," I said.

"We're from Finchley." Susan added, "Thank you for you hospitality but we really have to go."

"Well you can't just leave." Mr.Beaver said.

"He's right. We have to help Mr.Tumnus." Lucy said.

"It's out of our hands. I'm sorry, but it's time the four of us were getting home. Ed?" I turned and saw that he wasn't anywhere to be seen, "I'm gonna kill him."

"You may not have to. Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?" Brooke asked.

"Yes. He went last time I came here," Lucy said.

"What was he doing last time he was here?"

"Well I'm not really sure. I didn't know he was here until I saw him on my way back to the wardrobe."

"Where did you find him?"

"Next to a trail near the lamppost."

"He must be under the witches power then. Come on let's go find him." She said before walking out of the dam with us all following her. 

- The Castle -

- Brookes P.O.V. -

As we were walking up a hill I noticed Edmund in a far distance heading towards the castle.

"Hurry." I said to the rest starting to run up the hill. As we all ended up at the top we saw that Edmund was already at the gate of the castle.

"EDMUND!" Lucy yelled.

"Shhh. They'll here you." Mr.Beaver said to Lucy. Peter started running towards the castle but was pulled back by Mr.Beaver. "NO!" 

"Get off me!" Peter yelled at him.

"Your playing into her hands."

"We can't just let him go," Susan said.

"He's our brother," Added Lucy.

"He's the bait, She wants all Five of you." Mr.Beaver said.

"Why?" Peter asked.

"To stop the prophecy from coming true, to kill you!"

"This is all your fault," Susan said to Peter.

"My fault?" He asked.

"None of this would've happened if you would've just listened to me in the first place!"

"Oh so you knew this would happen,"

"I didn't know what would happen which is why we should have left while we still could!"

"STOP IT!" Lucy yelled making us all look at her, "This isn't gonna help Edmund."

"She's right . Only Aslan can help him now." I said. Peter looked at me.

"Then take us to him," He said. 

We started to head towards the beaver dam to get some stuff for the journey. I couldn't help but notice how much Peter has changed since the last time I saw him in primary school. He looked very attractive now. Brooke what are you doing stop thinking of him like that.

We herd howling in the distance making me loose my train of thought.

"RUN!" I said before running faster towards the dam. Right before I got in I changed my form back into a wolf so I could sense if the other wolves were close.

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