Chapter 4: Narnia

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- Peter's P.O.V. -

"Peter winds up, poised to take yet another wicket," I said as I threw the cricket ball towards Edmund.

"Ow," He said when it accidentally hit him in the leg.

"Whoops. Wake up Dolly Daydream."

"Why can't we play hide and seek again?"

"I thought you said that was a kids game."

"Besides we could use the fresh air," Said Susan.

"It's not like there isn't air inside," Edmund said. I ignored his complaining and got ready for another wicket.(is that what they call a pitch in England?)

"Are you ready?" I asked Edmund.

"Are you?" I threw the cricket ball and Edmund hit it. I watched as it flew through the air crashing in to a window breaking it. We all looked at each other before running inside to see the damage.

We got upstairs in the professors office to find a broken window with glass all over the floor and a knocked over armour statute.

"Well done Ed," I said to Edmund.

"You bowled it!" He argued.

"What on earth is going on up there?" A voice said from downstairs.

"The Macready!"Susan whisper shouted. We ran out of the professors room heading upstairs to find a place to hide. We tried many doors to find them all locked. We opened one more door to find it was unlocked. It just so happened to be the room of the wardrobe.

"You've got to be joking," Susan says.

"C'mon," Edmund said opening the door.

We hesitated a little before rushing into the wardrobe. Edmund went in first then Lucy, Susan then me.


"Ow your stepping on my foot!"

"I'm not stepping on your foot!"

"Stop shoving!"

We were all moving backwards when Susan and I fell on a soft pile of something. We turned around to see a snowy forrest.

"Impossible," Susan said as we stood up looking at the forrest.

"Don't worry I'm sure it's just your imagination," Lucy said. I glanced over at her.

"I suppose saying we're sorry isn't gonna quite cover it," I said.

"No. It wouldn't," She said. She threw a snowball towards me and hit me in the face. "But that might." We all ended up having a small snowball fight. Susan threw one at me but I dodged it and ended up hitting Edmund.

"Ow! Stop it!" He yelled.

"You little liar," I said to him.

"You didn't believe her either."

"Apologize to Lucy." He didn't say anything. "Say your sorry." I say stepping towards him.

"Alright. I'm sorry."

"That's alright. Some little children just don't know when to stop pretending," Lucy says mocking him.

"Haha very funny," Edmund mumbled.

"We should probably be getting back," Susan suggested.

"Shouldn't we at least take a look around?" Edmund said.

"I think Lucy should decide," I said smiling at her.

"I'd like you all to meet Mr.Tumnus!" She said happily.

"Then Mr.Tumnus it is." I headed towards the wardrobe to get some coats.

"But we can't go walking in the snow dressed like this," Susan said.

"No but I'm sure the professor won't mind us using these,"I said while giving a coat to Susan and one to Lucy, "Besides if you think about it logically, we're not even taking them out of the wardrobe." I handed a coat to Edmund but he didn't take it.

"But that's a girls coat!" He said.

"I know."

- Mr.Tumnus's house -

"There's gonna be food and we'll have lots and lots of..." Lucy said as she stopped in front of a door that was barely hanging on the hinges. She gasped before rushing towards it.

"Lu!" I yelled running after her. We went in to see everything a mess. There was glass on the floor and ripped cushions all over the floor. I noticed a note hung on a wall by a nail. I ripped it off and read it aloud.

"The faun is hereby charged with High Treason against her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia for comforting enemies and fraternizing with humans. Signed Maugrim, Captain of the secret police, Long Live The Queen."

"Alright now we really should be getting back," Susan said.

"But what about Mr.Tumnus?" Asked Lucy.

"If he was arrested just for being with a human, I don't think there's much we could do."

"You don't get it do you? I'm the human. She must've found out he helped me."

"Maybe we could call the police?" I suggested.

"These are the police," Said Susan.

"Don't worry Lu we'll think of something."I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Why?" Edmund said. We all glanced at him, "I mean he's a criminal." Just then we heard a psst sound coming from a bird on a branch.

"Did that bird just psst us?" Susan asked. We walked outside and watch the bird fly away. Then we heard something rustling in the trees. I pushed Susan and Lucy behind me as we walked towards the noise. That's when a beaver came out from behind a snowy pile.

"Lucy Pevensie," the beaver said. He handed  her a white handkerchief.

"Hey that's the hanky I gave to Mr..."

"Mr.Tumnus," The beaver finished, "He got it to me just before they took him."

"Is he alright?" Lucy asked.

"Further in," he said before moving towards the woods. We walked for a while until we arrived at a beaver dam.

"Beaver is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with badger again..." I'm guessing Mrs.Beaver said, "Oh those aren't badgers. Oh I'd never thought I'd live to see this day. Look at my fur you couldn't have given me ten minutes warning?"

"I would have given you a week if I'd thought it would've helped," Mr.Beaver said making us laugh.

"Come inside well see if we can get you some food and some civilized company."

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