Fem Stalker x Fem Reader Pt.2

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Reader Pov:

"Ms. (L/N)? Ms. (L/N)?" I felt something, no someone, poke my cheek as my eyes fluttered open. "Eh?" I glance up with a small yawn but I'm instantly frozen as I look up at my boss and notice her...h-her uh...cleavage...

Ms. Daniels smiled, a strange glint in her eye for a moment. "Are you alright Ms. (L/N)? This is the second time I've found you sleeping on the job in this past week." She sounded concerned, although she didn't seem to notice her provocative attire.

"I-I'm so sorry Ms. Daniels. It's just these extra hours you know? I'll get over it by Monday I promise." I smiled, trying to keep the blush off my face and my eyes on her face. She nodded, leaning back and crossing her arms with a smile. "I believe you Ms. (L/N), here let me get you something to drink." She walked away before I could respond, her clicking heels echoing in the empty office.

I knew going in on Saturday was a bad idea, I really should've slept in. I sighed and returned to the files, quickly getting back to work. I barely noticed the approaching click of her heels until Ms. Daniels set a glass of wine in front of me, looking down at me with a smirk.

"Since it's just the two of us, I thought you'd like a proper drink." She gently, pushing the glass closer to me. I smiled as I picked up the glass. "Cheers!" I tipped it back and downed the whole thing in one gulp. I set it down with a relieved sigh, looking up at my boss as I suppressed another yawn.

"I'm sorry I'm really...really..." I felt overcome with a sudden tiredness, I yawned again as I laid my head on my desk. The last thing I saw before my eyes closed was the smirk of my boss.

Stalker Pov:

I can't believe it worked! (F/N L/N) was all mine! All mine~ Mmm, I can't wait to carry that lovely unconscious body!

Reader Pov:

"Huh? W-Where am I?" I tried to move, all of sudden my grogginess faded instantly as I felt the leather straps that bound me to this...bed? Well I was still fully clothed so you know...that's uh...something.

"Oh, well looks who's finally awake~"

I look over hopefully, the words dying in my throat as I see my boss in black lingerie, a grin on her face. It was her eyes that concerned me the most though, they were full of lust and hunger. I shivered as she slowly strode closer, undoing her ponytail as she did so.

"W-Wait Ms. Daniels you can't do this. This is kidnapping! I-I'm straight." That last remark only seemed to give her grin a sadistic edge as she crawled into the bed and straddled my hips. She leaned in closer, I turned my head away and closed my eyes as I wished that this was all just a nightmare.

I felt her warm breath against my ear as she spoke again. "Just relax my darling, and let me make you MINE~"

The next few hours were...by far the most amazing yet terrifying moments of my life. It's been awhile since anyone has touched me like that, I haven't even been on a date since I started this job!

"(F/N)?" "Huh?" I glanced over at Ms. Dan- I mean, Kelly as she lit up a cigarette. We were still naked in bed, we would've moved but after four hours of screaming each other's names and ruining sheets, we were too tired to move anywhere. And I was sore.

"You're mine right?" I blinked in surprise and nodded, then she grinned and pulled out a collar from her bedside drawer. "Then you won't mind wearing this then?"

"I-I mean uh, hey! W-wait!"

"No time for waiting! It's time for round five!"


AN: I regret nothing! Also I don't know how spiking drinks work so...

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