the vampires charm 13

Start from the beginning

I returned to my nature now. Would you please shut the window?"

Feeling foolish, I decided to believe him, so I closed the window, and then I laid the heavy curtain over it.

But I decided to be very careful and ready while doing it.

I didn't know what had happened.

The moment I covered the window with the curtain, I found myself on top of the bed, and he was above me, holding my wrists so tight.

He said, while looking at me in a frightening way and with a voice no less frightening:

"Oh Irene, you are a tough girl, aren't you?

"I've underestimated you, sweetie."

I tried to move, tried to push him away from me, but I couldn't.

I said after my failed attempt:

"What did I do to provoke your hunger, you animal?"

I noticed a smile on his lips before he said:

"You slept on my bed. You left your scent there. I couldn't resist your delicious smell, Irene.

The last thing I remember is that I slept while your delicious smell filled my nose. Then I don't know what happened after that. Suddenly I found myself burning in the sun."

I couldn't believe that only my scent did this to him.

I finally knew how dangerous these creatures are and why we cannot live with them in one world.

I looked into his frightening eyes and said:

"Sorry, I was watching TV. I didn't know that my scent might do this to you."

He didn't say anything. He smelled my hair and hovered around my neck in a suspicious way. Then he said in a quiet, sexy voice:

"Oh, Irene, I may addict you."

I looked into his eyes, which were looking deep into mine.

Then, without any warning and after this eye contact, he kissed me.

A long, hot kiss.

I surrendered to his kiss, to these new feelings.

He stopped kissing me after making sure I was completely under his charm.

He kissed my cheek and then went down slowly to my neck.

I didn't pay attention to myself. I threw my arms around him to enjoy him. To enjoy his hot kisses.

I didn't want him to stop. I forgot who he truly is. I wasn't thinking about anything but these new sweet feelings.

But he stopped suddenly, looked at my face. I blushed like a shy virgin, which I was.

He said in a heavy voice:

"Lukeria is here... she is opening the door now."

I looked at him in wonder, then I remembered that he could hear things I cannot hear.

I noticed something scary.

I noticed blood on his lips. I asked in a frightened tone:

"Are you bleeding?"

He got up, then answered calmly after licking his lips:


He left my room without giving me an explanation.

Where did this blood come from?

I touched my neck in a panic, then I looked at my hand.

Just as I expected,

There was a little blood on my hand.

I rushed to the bathroom.

I closed the door and looked at the mirror.

The effect of his fangs was on my neck, but the wound was not bleeding.

How did this happen?

I wondered... how I didn't feel it?

He wasn't kissing me; he was sucking my blood.

I was under his spell. I didn't feel anything. No pain. Nothing but joy.

This is the vampire charm that I've heard about... this is why he was looking deep into my eyes.

When the vampire controls and takes over his victim, making them surrender to him unconsciously.

That is what that bastard did to me.

My mother was right,

"They are all hideous demons."

I felt angry, very angry. That animal took advantage of me.

I grabbed one of the antiques and threw it on the floor so hard that it broke, covering the bathroom floor with shattered glass.

Then I went out to the closet. I looked for something that could cover my neck. I don't want Lukeria or Lita to see my wounded neck. I don't want Lukaria to ask about what happened.

I took out a long-necked shirt and jeans and then took off the torn dress.

Before I put on my clothes, I put a bandage on the wound.

When I finished putting on my clothes, I heard a knock on the door. It opened, Lukeria entered. She said right away with a joyful voice:

"Why aren't you down yet? I thought you were sleeping. Let's prepare breakfast... are you okay, dear?"

I was angry. I answered with a sharp tone:

"I'm fine. Stop acting like you care; you are just one of their loyal slaves."

She was surprised by what I just said. She said with a smile:

"I don't know if Mr. Breynt has told you, but his family will visit you tonight. I brought two girls to help while I do your hair and prepare you to meet them."

I said emotionally:

"You disgust me. I can do my damn hair. I can wear whatever I like.

I'm fed up with your stupid, silly teaching and your desperate attempt to make me one of you."

Lukeria remained silent for a while, then I noticed that she was staring behind me, specifically at the bed.

She saw the torn dress.
She said worriedly while she approached me:

"How did that happen? What did he do?"

She looked under the neck of my long shirt and then said calmly:

"It's not bad, but are you okay? Did he do anything else?

Your dress is ripped. Are you okay?"

I said with a crying tone:

"I'm fine... he didn't do anything else!"

I noticed her sighing... a relief sigh before she said:

"This is your destiny; you cannot do anything about it.

Oh, we have to find a suitable dress for dinner tonight.

Forget what happened."

She went out after she patted my shoulder with affection.

I felt guilty because I was rude to her.

I'm very angry, very broken right now.

I don't know how I will be able to look at him and speak to him after what he did to me. After he promised me that he wouldn't hurt me.

But tonight it's not only him. I will be facing a family of vampires.

I threw myself over the bed and sighed:

"God help me."

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