When Your Understanding Shifts

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"I hope you can be patient with me, I might not be very easy to deal with if we try to get more physical." He said, his sentence ending a little quieter than it had started. 

Swallowing, Austin lifted his fork to point at Roh-Ahn. 

"What did you just say?" He asked. 

Roh-Ahn pursed his lips and looked down at his hands that were gripping the stool cushion. 

"Nothing important." He mumbled, only for Austin to set his food aside and step forward, lifting Roh-Ahn's chin gently. 

"The look on your face and the tone of your voice tell me that it was something important. Please, give me the actual translation." Austin said as he settled his hands on Roh-Ahn's shoulders and squeezed gently. 

When Roh-Ahn only looked up at him with worried, wide eyes, Austin closed his for a moment and sighed. He really wanted to know why Roh-Ahn's smile had disappeared so quickly, but if he wasn't comfortable telling him what he'd said, he'd just have to get over it. However...

Lifting his hands, he settled them softly on either side of Roh-Ahn's face and lifted it a little more. 

"It's okay. You can tell me when you're ready, but can I see that smile again? I like that smile a lot." Austin said as he leaned in, pressing his lips against Roh-Ahn's for just a brief moment. 

He'd planned to back away then, because they likely needed to get to the show, but when Roh-Ahn reached up to carefully grasp his face and guide him forward again, Austin didn't even consider resisting. How could he? Their lips met again, the pace of the kiss soft and slow, neither of them rushing as their hands began to wander. Roh-Ahn's drifted down from either side of Austin's face to brush along his shoulders, then further until they came to rest on his waist. 

One of Austin's hands rose to entwine its fingers in Roh-Ahn's mussed hair while the other dipped along his back until he had his waist firmly grasped. The attention forced him to step closer, too, putting him between Roh-Ahn's spread legs. If he'd still been in high school, or even college, things would have gotten out of hand, fast. 

Thank god I can control my idiot self far better now. He thought as he felt Roh-Ahn's fingertips hesitantly fuss with the hem of his shirt. 

He's so cautious...

Austin didn't have to think for very long to piece together why. It made his blood boil to know that whatever had happened to cause the scars on his body were likely from someone who had possibly been intimate with him before the attack. 

"Roh-Ahn..." He whispered against his mouth before sealing it again, only to separate their lips again a moment later. "Roh-Ahn." 

"Sweetheart, I won't do anything you don't want me to." He breathed as he moved his lips to the edge of Roh-Ahn's, then slowly downward toward his neck. 

The shiver he felt run through Roh-Ahn's body when his lips pressed against his collar bone drew the same response from his own, but he remained still as he felt Roh-Ahn's shaking fingers ever-so-slowly slip underneath his shirt. 

Instead of making a mark, Austin just closed his eyes and focused on calming his breathing as he felt Roh-Ahn's warm fingers carefully explore little portions of his lower back. 

So sweet. 

Feeling Roh-Ahn's hands retreat, Austin lifted his head, only to realize that his fingers were now gathering the fabric at the bottom of his shirt in his shaking fingers. When he figured out his intentions, Austin ducked his head and backed up slightly, allowing Roh-Ahn to begin tugging his shirt up, and potentially, off. 

It was just his luck that Roh-Ahn's phone started ringing right at that moment. Before he could even react, Roh-Ahn was tugging his shirt back down. 

"Hey," he said as he watched him quickly reach for his phone and lift it to his ear. 

"Hello?"  He said before going quiet, listening to the person on the other end of the call. 

He nodded once, then replied. "We didn't get distracted. We'll be there shortly." 

When he hung up, a frown back on his face, Austin rubbed a hand over his face and forced a smile. 

"I guess we've got to go?" He said as he offered Roh-Ahn a hand down from the stool, then handed him his cane that he'd left leaning against the counter. 

The guy nodded, but it was obvious that he didn't want to leave. Neither did Austin, but they couldn't really skip the concert after leaving dinner early with a lie. 

"Don't worry, if you want to go at any time, just tell me." He said as he took Roh-Ahn's free hand and they headed for the door. The squeeze he got from Roh-Ahn's hand in response drew a smile to his face. 

"Just a few songs." Roh-Ahn said, earning a nod from Austin right away. 

He normally didn't mind concerts, but Roh-Ahn definitely didn't need to be at one that evening. He already looked tired and was probably stressing a little from their noisy dinner, so triple the sound and multiply the amount of people by at least a few  thousands... 

Yeah, we're not staying long at all. 

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