Chpt. 15. natural disaster

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Lillys pov.

"I...ummm... I don't...I don't know-w."
I replied taken aback. I have so many things running through my mind.

Do i really like him this way?

Do I
Really want this right now?

What will my subscribers think?

What will Aliyah think?

What will my family think?

What will my team think?

What if he cheats on me?

What if it affects our friendship?

What if things are to different?

What if I hurt him?

What if I'm not ready for this?

With all the thoughts I decided that I really just need to clear my head. I tried to say something to humble but I couldn't form any words. I ran out of the house and all I heard while I left was humble and Aliyah screaming my name.

Aliyah's pov.

Lilly stammered then bolts out of the door as if she's seen a spider.


I scream out her name but she keeps running.I throw on my shoes and quickly run out after her. I didn't even think about grabbing my phone, but I wish I had. I run the way I figured she run since she tends to take lots of rights. I finally stop running and look up trying to catch my breath. The crumbling and worn out walls are illuminated by a glowing orange light coming from a bonfire not far away. I walk along the alley till I get to an actual street. I step out into the street and stand underneath a streetlight. I look at at the silent ominous darkness stretching endlessly in front of me. As the city is silent I hear just the slightest sound of a crash of waves. I walk underneath the streetlights following the sound of the waves. I take a turn and my shoes are starting to get filled with the warm sand. The only thing I can hear is the rushing sound of waves hitting rocks that sit high into the starry night sky. The sky is filled with stars getting rid of the darkness and keeping the lurking shadows away. It was the first time that I've ever seen the sky light up with stars instead of streetlights and billboards and signs. I climbed up onto a jagged slippery rock covered in slimy algae and other things from the water. I climb over the algae infested rocks and get to the dry ones. I look up and see just a few feet away from me a figure. The figure sat criss-crossed with their head in hands and they're long hair blowing everywhere with the wind.

"Lilly?" I call out towards the figure loudly competing with the waves to.see who can be louder.

"Aliyah?" she says confused lifting her head up. I run over to her and envelope her in a big hug and squeeze her right afraid that if I let go she'll disappear, blown away with the wind.

"Aliyah!" She repeats again but worriedly.

"Yes that's my name" I say trying to make it so she doesn't flip out on me.


"MOM I'M FINE" I yelled over top of her cutting her off and stopping her rambling.

"Wait did you just?" she questioned hearing me say mom instead of Lilly.

" maybe " I said with a giant smile. She grabbed me and pulled me into a big that have me a couple broken limbs a dead lung and other injuries. As we were having out moment a lighting bolt lights up the sky followed by a loud crash.

"You don't have your phone do you."
" No"
"And you probably have no clue where we are."
"Nope and I'm 100% sure you don't either as of you literally get lost in your own house."
"That's true but I'm going to still take offense to that."
" Ok. Where are we going to sleep or stay because we'll never make it home before it starts storming. "
"Ummmmmmmmm... OH WAIT! I know . We can stay in that building"
"Lilly. Your delirious. I am not staying in an abandoned broken down building where squatters lurk in the corners. "
"Please. Just for tonight"
"....................................fine" With that Lilly dragged me into the building. The air smelled of mold and rotting wood and every other disease. She pulled us into a corner and the rain starting pouring down sounding like rocks hitting the building. I curled into Lilly to try to stay warm and fell asleep to the sound sound of rain dripping through the roof and into the floor in a steady rythm equivalent to a heartbeat.

*3 hours later*

I'm woken up by everything shaking and crumbling around me. Lilly lunges herself over top of me blocking all the pieces of wood from hitting me. Glass shatters around us and a beam falls and I'm surrounded by the know familiar darkness that has become my friend. (Hello darkness my old friend XD)

*unknown time later*

I open my eyes and I am surrounded by dust and debree. I was confused.

Where am I
What happened
What is this
How's I get here
am I ok
Is Lilly ok
Where is Lilly

I then start to remember what happened. I quickly started pushing around the debree screaming Lilly's name. I moved a small beam that had fallen and I see Lilly. I completely uncover her. She has layers of dust and debree and looks like a book that has say on a shelf for centuries. I check her pulse and make sure she's alive. Once I know she's okay I dust her off. After I got her cleaned off the best I could I was finally able to analyze how she really looked. Her beautiful long brown now tangled in knots and a bunch of stuff also mixed into the knots. Her face had scratches and cuts all over it. I'm her cheek and she was a giant bright blue and black bruise. I rolled her over to check her back, when she woke up and coughed them say up slightly wincing. I quickly went over to her. " are you okay? " she nodded. She started pushing herself up and I helped her get up. We started walking when a firefighter came up to us.

"You guys need to get out of here quickly"

"What? Why?"

" the earthquake was a 9 .2 and destroyed everything but it also triggered a tsunami. You don't have long and your chance of surviving is low. It's actually a miracle your alive right now"

" thank you for warning us" Lilly thanked the firefighter and we started heading off quickly but it was hard with everything ruined. We were running for awhile when we started heading screaming and the sound of rushing water. We both looked at each other terror filling us and eating us whole. We both knew what was coming. All we knew is that we might not make it out. At least maybe not alive...


Ah. Hi. I'm back. I hope you liked this. Sorry I was gone for so long. I will make it up to you I promise.
(1200 words)

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