《chpt. 12》

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Some parts may be triggering

Aliyah's pov.

Lilly had ordered pizza and started shooting a collab I think is what she called it so I figured this would be my best time to purge and cut. I waited for her to stop filming and asked if I could go take a shower. She replied with a simple "sure". I went up to the bathroom but forgot to lock it.

I got on my knees in front of the toilet and started to shove my hand down  my throuht when all the sudden Lilly came in and wasn't paying attention until she saw what I was doing. "Aliyah no!!" She screamed. She then grabbed my arm and pulled it out of my mouth and held me back while I struggled screaming. Then all the rest of the people came in with worried expressions. I just collapsed in Lilly arms as she was softly mumbling why. After a while of crying I fell asleep. 

Lilly's pov.

We were shooting a collab when all the sudden Aliyah came in and asked something I just said sure since I was busy. We recorded for a couple more seconds when I had to use the bathroom. I wasn't paying much attention to whose bathroom I walked into.

Once I got in there I looked down and saw Aliyah purging. My heart shattered. I quickly pulled her hand out and pulled her back into me and held her there while she screamed and thrashed around. After a while she relaxed into me and just sobbed into my chest. I sat their just holding her and crying. How could she do this to herself. She's so buetiful.

Maybe she wouldn't do it if she had a good mother.

You shouldn't have let her go to bathroom.


At some point she fell asleep so I gently laid her in her bed. I then walked back downstairs to the rest of them. When they saw me they all looked worried. Liza just came over to me and hugged me. I just sat crying into Humble and Liza as they comforted me. Once I finally calmed down Humble asked me what's wrong. I then told them everything from the last 2 weeks. Liza after a couple of seconds of taking in all this new information broke the silence. "Maybe you should send her with Demi Lovato for a while or at least have her talk to Demi. Demi went through the same things so maybe  will be able to help her" "How will I get in contact with her?" I retorted. Humble of course the genius he is reminded me that Nick is shooting a collab with me tomorrow and afterwords he is going to Demi's. I then decided that this would be the best for her.

As they left I shot Nick a text

Bold is Lilly's.  Underlined is Nick's.

Hey Nick  could me and Aliyah go with you to Demi's?

Sure but may I ask why

Aliyah is going through the same things Demi did and I figured maybe Demi could help her.

I'm sure Demi will be happy to help.  What are the things she is going through?

From what I know is the purging and cutting and I can't tell anything else.

K. I'll text Demi to make sure she's OK with it.


*5 minutes later *

She said sure she'd love to and that for now try and find her blades and that the blades could be anywhere and there probably pretty well hidden and don't let her be in her room or bathroom alone and to make sure that she doesn't go to the bathroom till 2 hours after she eats and to make sure that she eats all her food.

That sounds great thanks so much. See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow and good luck. It will be hard but be presistent.

K is that all.

Oh yeah and Demi said to call her if you need help or don't know what to do

Uumm... I Kind've need her number.

Oh yeah right it's 789-444-5454

K thx.

No problem see u tomorrow


Once I got down texting him I looked over at my clock to see it was 1:34 in the morning. I decided that before I went to bed to try and find her blades. I moved her from her bed to my bed so I didn't wake her and went to try and find the blades. I looked in the obvious places first and didnt find any. I then looked in places that are more hidden but still didn't find any I was getting fusterated  so I decided that I'd see if Demi had any idea of  where they would be.

D: demi l:Lilly

L: I need your help are you up

D:ya I'm up and what u need

L: I can't find any of her blades do you have any idea where they would be I'm starting to get fustrated.

D: I knew they were going to be well hidden. Did you check behind dressers and desks.

L: No let me look.

I then went to her dresser moved it. Nothing. I the went to her nightstand moved it. Nothing. I then went to her drawer and moved it. When I moved it a small shiny thing fell. I picked it up. It was a blade. I then texted Demi to tell her I found it.

L: I found a blade it was in her drawer in her dresser on like the moving thing and when I moved it it fell out.

D: wait how many did you find?

L: One. Why?

D: she has to have more check her shoes.

I looked in her shoes and found in the sole of a black Converse another one.

L: I found another one. Is that it

D: Probably not but it's late so tomorrow I think instead I'm going to have Nick take me with to your place and then later you come to mine I'll ask him in the morning. I think both of us should try to get some rest tomorrow going to be a long busy day.

L: your right I'll see u tomorrow. Gn

D : see u tomorrow. Gn.

I went to my room and decided to turn my phone off after setting an alarm and getting to sleep tomorrow is going to be a very tiring day.

《1078 words》

Adopted By The Youtuber Lilly SinghOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora