《chpt. 3》L.A.

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The day after I arrived in LA, was adoption day. I mostly sat in the corner not wanting anyone to adopt me. I was over getting adopted. I was over getting abused. I didn't want to have to go through the pain of coming back and being sent somewhere else I just wanted to be left alone and forgotten. Then I wouldn't have to worry about stuff as much. I didn't look at people in my interview and did my worst when they asked me questions. Then someone started walking towards me. She had beautiful long dark brown hair. She came up towards me and asked me my name and age. She had beautiful brown eyes and a warming smile. Even then I didn't trust her. I don't think I can trust anyone.

She looked at me for a while, then headed out of the building. She came back with papers, adoption papers. I wanted to run but I had nowhere to go; I didn't know the streets of LA. I decided to go with her because I knew I'd just be back here. Everyone did as soon as they got to know me, they leave me.

She grabbed my stuff, which was only a backpack. She led me to her car, and handed me my backpack. We drove to her house where she told me where I was going to stay.

Lilly's pov.

When I went into the adoption place, a young girl caught my eye. She stood in the corner alone. I went over, and I can tell she is shy; she didn't speak to me. I could tell something was wrong. I could tell she didn't trust me.

I knew I would have to gain trust with her. I didn't know how though. When I led her up to her room and touched her shoulder, she flinched and jumped back. "It's okay. It's okay. It's just me." I said trying to reassure her. "While you get comfortable I'm gonna make dinner. What would you like?" I tried to sound as welcoming as I could. She replied a faint "anything" that was almost inaudible. I smiled and headed downstairs. I decided to just make salads. I called her down to eat. She came quickly, stumbling over her own feet. She sat down quietly and started eating. I could tell she's been crying. I felt bad. I wanted to comfort her and be a good mother, but I didn't know how. I decided to stop thinking about it and decided to find a name for her since she didn't have one. " what if I name you aliyah" I said breaking the silence. She only nodded in response.

Aliyah's pov.

She led me up to my room. She then touched my shoulder and I jumped back afraid she was going to hurt me. She asked me what I wanted for dinner and I responded anything. I learned to never ask for anything unless you wanted to be called greedy. Once she walked downstairs, I sat and cried silently wishing I was never adopted. When she called me down I quickly wiped off my tears and ran downstairs. I learned to never be slow unless you want to get whipped. I sat silently avoiding any conversation.

After a while she broke the silence asking me of aliyah was OK for a name and I just nodded. I could tell she was worried about something, I just couldn't tell what.

Adopted By The Youtuber Lilly SinghKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat