chapter 12 ~A tragic suprise 🌷~

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~lani's pov~

"So what's the plan aug"?

I said sitting down at the table august smirked at me.

"Lani you sure you wanna do this"?

"Yes August I'm sure we need that money".

I said with determination I'm sure this is what I want.

"Well ima go start the car come out when your ready my love"

He said kissing my cheek damn this nigga such a damn flirt...I like it.

"alright Aug ima be out in a minute".

I said kissing my teeth, August nodded and headed out to the car hopefully this is a quick mission.

We were suppose to be making a deal with a few people from the street, now I know what your thinking Lani what the fuck are you saying do you ever learn your lesson?

And the answer is no, no I fucking don't but I'm going to keep pushing forward and ain't shit gonna stop me.

It's like being through all the shit I went through throughout my whole life has made me stronger and I can't back out.

I looked in the mirror and put my hair into a ponytail

"You got this sis".

I said taking a deep breath I got the rest of my things and headed for the car.

I hopped in and August just looked at me like I was his breakfast.

"Uhmm"? I said kind of dumb found I really like August but shit gets awkward when we have moments like this.

He shook his head quickly

"U-uh sorry I- you just had something in your hair".

He said trying to make excuses I find it kind of cute.

I giggled

"Well thanks for telling me".

I said brushing my hair trying to play off like something was really in there.

August started to drive to the alley we were suppose to meet at hopefully this is quick business.

He pulled over

"Ready lani"?

He said looking at me, I smiled then nodded


I said getting out of the car to get our things.We made our way to the alley to see a group smoking weed.


A man said putting down his blunt he looked like he was in his late 30's.

"where's the goodies"?

He said looking at us August pulled out the drugs and gave them to him.

"thanks dawg here's yall dough".

He said getting a few racks out of his pocket.

"Thank you very much".

I said smiling, he smiled back

"No problem how about you call me some time lil ma".

He said slapping my ass, now that's where I drew the fucking line.

Before I could do shit August turned around and knocked that motherfucker out in a heartbeat.

I gasped


I said looking at him, he grabbed my hand.

"Let's fucking go".

Love don't cost a thing (on hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن