Chapter 4 ~dirty work~

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-yasmeens pov-

This was my first day on the job. I watched as lani and Chris Lined up the drugs and August got some guns.Why would we need them anyway."um why do we need those"? I asked curiously.

Honestly I wanted to know.August spoke up "well we have to protect ourselves and plus some niggas in this game crazy".He said as he handed me one.Why the hell did this nigga hand me a gun!I put it on the table quickly.

"August why you hand her that, you know she's new".Chris said as he put the drugs In a bag.

"welp sorry I just thought she knew how to use one".He said shrugging.

We were all wearing black and camo I had a black sleeve crop top with some baggy camo pants and some black timbs.My hair was also in a messy bun.

"So yall ready"? Lani said as she got the bags.I can't believe I'm actually doing this right now.

"Yup, I'm ready".I said smiling, Lord forgive me but this is the only way I will get money.

We all headed out the car by this time it was night,Night time is when all the action happens lani says.we all hopped in the black van.

I was sitting in the backseat with Chris while August was upfront with lani.

I looked down and started to play with my fingers.Chris looked at me "uh you okay you seem nervous".He chuckled.And I can't fucking Lie I was.

"Well I am".I said in all honesty."awe don't worry about it, it's not that bad once your use to it".He said smiling I don't know why this man was calming me down but he was.

Lani finally pulled up to a house, It looked old and ghetto.and the windows were busted,it had to be abandoned.

"Alright come on".Lani said as she got out the car she got all the bags.chris and August got out.But for some reason when I did everyone laughed.

"What's so funny"? I asked.Lani came towards me "sweetie this is tough business me August and Chris are gonna go in there.

I couldn't believe my ears they didn't want me to go inside with them. "So what I'm suppose to do, stay out here in the middle of the fucking night and wait for yall"?

"Yep that's sounds about right, and don't worry new people on the job always do this I had to".August said closing the car door.
"Ugh what the fuck ever just hurry up".I said getting back in the car.

"Thanks cupcake".Chris said as they all walked away.

-lani's pov-

When we got in the house all I could smell was beer.The strong scent entered my nostrils. "Damn" I said covering my nose.

When we got in there I saw 4 dudes sitting at a table and the one we were Going to make the deal with, big mav.

If you don't know who big mav is,your about to know he is one of the toughest gangsters in all cali, make one mistake and your ass is dead.

I can't lie I was scared to be here but I heard he offers mad money.

"So....".mav said sitting back in his chair."what yall got for me today"?.He said looking at us.

August quickly got his bag, showing all the stuff we had packed we had coke weed and some other stuff like that.

"Hmmmm".Mav said as he took one bag, he opened it, stuck his finger in there and smelled it.

" nice to know you fools smart enough not to fool me".he said laughing me Chris and August all laughed kind of nervously.

"I'll pay a 100k for it" he said leaning back."YO GET YALL ASS OUT HERE".mav said yelling two other guys that must have been his assistants got him the money.

He licked his finger and ran his fingers through a big fat stack of money.

"Now promise me this".He said looking at all of us.I gulped, I will pay you this money but if yall fooling me I will find all of you one by one.

"Yes sir".I said nodding my head.mav didn't play any shit, If someone fools him it's game over.

Mav gave us all of our money."nice doing business with you all".He said smiling.

"You too".i said smiling, me Chris and August all hurried the hell out of there.

"Damn that shit was crazyy".August said as he opened the car door.

"Tell me about i-".I was cut off by the sound of angry yelling which came from the house.It sounded like mav



Aye Chris packed all the drugs.I face palmed "Chris what did you give him!? Chris spoke up "coke weed kush? He said

"Chris that's not what he wanted!"I said yelling."we gotta go yasmeen step on it!I yelled yasmeen stepped on the wheel.

-yasmeens pov-

I don't know what the hell was going on, but I didn't waste any time.When lani said step on the wheel I did what I was told. We zoomed through the street, I never drove this fast in my life.

I looked at the mirror and I saw a car was chasing and shooting at us.

"Welp here comes the fun part".lani said as she got out her gun.She poked her head out the window and started to shoot at the car., August and Chris did the same.

I couldn't believe what I had got myself into right now, this is the type of shit you see on movies and I'm in it.

"SHIT I'm out of ammo".Lani said dropping the gun."fuck me too".Chris said."Make that three".August said trying to reload his gun.

"Shit were fuc-".All I remember is I lost control of the car and before we knew it, life flashed in front of our eyes.

Love don't cost a thing (on hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon