chapter 2 ~A new life~

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After hours and hours of packing I was finally ready,I came downstairs with all my bags.

"Hey baby",my mom said smiling,"hey" I said smiling back.I could still tell my mom was sad as fuck I was moving,But "where's dad"?I said curiously,"oh your father is at work".I rolled my eyes,"look honey lani is outside waiting for you"! My mom said looking at the window.

"Well shit...".I said under my breath,"bye baby I love you so much okay?"My mom said almost squeezing me too death,"love you too mom" I said as she let go.

I finally went outside to lani's car.I haven't seen her in ages, she had so's.

I put all my stuff in her trunk and got in the passenger seat."well hey Lil cuz",Lani said smiling."h-hey" I said shyly,I still don't know why I was shy...Shit was just awkward I guess.

Lani turned on the radio and started to, she said as she looked at the road,"you got a man"?I chocked, why the hell was she asking that?and even if I did it's none of her damn business."naw" I said looking out the window.

"Sweetie you still don't have a bf!?She said surprised.ugh I can't stand her nosy ass..."why should I even care about that right now, lani I have more shit to worry bout and a nigga ain't one.

"Hm nice to know you gained a little sense from when we last met".She said as she pulled up into the driveway,I didn't even care about what she said because I was so surprised at her beautiful house.

"W-wow" I said in awe."eh its ight"lani said shrugging,I rolled my eyes and got out the car to get my bags.Lani unlocked her door and I took my bags inside.

"Your room is upstairs to the right" lani said as she poured herself some orange juice.

"Oh okay thanks".I said as I brung my bags upstairs,I can't lie her house was just as nice as it was from the outside.

I took all my bags upstairs and put them in my new room I started to hear a voice, but it wasn't lani's it sounded like a man's voice."ugh my curiosity is gonna get the best of me".I said as I walked downstairs to see who she was talking to.

And lemme tell you she was talking to this fine ass man, I mean he had curly hair he was tall and he had the most defined cheekbones I ever seen.

"So, How you been".lani said as she smiled."eh I'm ight I been trappin".The man said as he sat on the couch.

"uhm...yasmeen"?Lani said as she looked at me peeking.Well shit there's my cover.I came out my spot."h-hey" I said awkwardly."hey" the man said as he smiled,"Oh where's my manners I'm chris".He said shaking my hand."yasmeen".I said softly.

"Well".Kehlani said as she interrupted us,"me and Chris have to go"."where" I said curiously. I could tell she was In a rush."look we gotta go somewhere okay, come on chris".Lani said as she rushed out the door.Chris followed I shook my head.Her ass really left me here alone I said as plopped on the couch.

Lani's pov-"Look chris I'm not in the mood for arguing right now we have some very important business to handle today.I said as I kept my eyes on the road.

"Lani what the fuck is wrong with you why the hell are we selling drugs to gangbangers we don't even fucking know".Chris said as he looked at me.

"Look nigga they aren't just any gangbangers they have hella money and you want to be rich right? I said as I pulled up into the alley.

"Shit I can think about more ways to get rich but whatever floats your boat cupcake".Chris said smiling

"Call me that again and I will bust your ass".I said as I got out.

-back at the house-

It has been at least 2 hours since lani has been gone, where the hell is she? I thought to myself.I shook my head and went on my phone until I heard something that sounded like footsteps.

"The hell"? I said as I got up."LANI"! I said loudly, but there was no response I started to feel my body shaking.

The footsteps came closer and before I knew it I blacked out.

Edit:sorry for the short part, chapter 3 will be longer!

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