Leonard McCoy

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"Are you out of your cornfed mind, Kirk?!"

Jim Kirk rolled his eyes as the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Leonard McCoy, gave him a stern objurgation about a dangerous mission on Delta Vega which, for some reason, was currently populated with Klingons. "It's no big deal, Bones. We can handle ourselves out there-"

"There are Klingons on that planet, you idiot! KLINGONS!"

"And that's a problem how, exactly?"

The doctor's blood was at it's boiling point by now. "You're giving me orders to allow one of my best assistant doctors, who's hardly had any experience in the field, down there with you! Do you not remember how ruthless those brutes are?!"

"We won't be anywhere near them! This isn't our first time in dealing with Klingons, you know. Why are you so worried all of the sudden?" Leonard opened his mouth to say something but quickly clamped his mouth shut.


The two men heard a soft voice come from the entrance of the Med Bay and turned to see Dr. (Y/n) (Y/l/n) standing there. The doctor's eyes lit up at the sight of her and his face softened. "Oh, am I interrupting something?"

"No, of course not. Come right in, Dr. (Y/l/n)," Jim said, motioning for her to enter. Without any argument, she approached them causing Leonard's heart to race.

"I was just wondering what exactly I'll need for the mission?"

"I'll provide everything you need; that's everything but a phaser."

"Are you sure I don't need it?"

"Positive, Dr. (Y/l/n)."

With a subtle nod and a small grin, (Y/n) began to walk out of the bay. "Oh, Dr. McCoy?" The doctor's head snapped up, humming in response. "Is there anything I need to do before I go?"

"Uh, n-no, not really." He moved his left hand to the back of his neck and scratched it nervously, casting down his eyes. "Just, uh, remember to turn in that medical form for the patient that had an amputation."

"Got it. I'll have that down here before I leave." Without further ado, she hustled out of the room. Leonard dropped his hand from his neck and heaved a sigh, looking back up.

"Oh, my God!"

Leonard's head snapped in the direction of Jim Kirk who was gaping at him. It completely dawned on him after seeing the way he acted. "You've got the hots for her!" Leonard involuntarily blushed at his conclusion, which was undeniably correct. "Bones you are red as a tomato right now," he guffawed. "You LIKE her!"

"Can it, Jim," he growled.

"So that's why you didn't want us to go on this mission! (Y/n)'s accompanying us and you don't want anything to happen to her, do you?"

"Of course not. She's one of the best doctors on the ship-"

"Bones, stop trying to cover it. You like (Y/n) and there's no denying it." What more could the poor, flustered doctor say? He had him in quicksand; there was no escaping this situation. All he could do was blush a deeper shade of red and roll his brown eyes at him. "Bones, I will personally make sure she's kept safe."

"Alright, Jim. I'm an idiot for doing this but I'm trusting you."

Jim nodded, patted his friend on the back and walked out of the Medical Bay. Deep down, Leonard hoped Jim meant what he said by keeping the woman he secretly loved safe and sound.


The Enterprise arrived at the planet and the mission was about to commence. Jim Kirk was in the bridge with the crew and giving orders to them. "Mr. Sulu, you have the conn. Mr. Spock, Uhura and Dr. (Y/l/n), you all are coming with me." They all nodded and followed his orders immediately. As (Y/n) prepared for the mission, Leonard stood idly by and helplessly watched. She suddenly felt his eyes on her and glanced up at him, knocking him out of his trance. "Is there something wrong, Dr. McCoy?"

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