The 12th Doctor

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"May I have your attention, please," Headmaster Armitage's voice statically sounded over the intercom. I stopped writing on the chalk board to hear what the announcement was about. "Teachers, I am calling for a quick staff meeting in the lounge, please. All teachers in the lounge for a staff meeting. Thank you."

I furrowed my eyebrows. As soon as the intercom clicked off, I hesitantly set down the piece of chalk I was writing with, and hurried to the lounge. There must be a change in the lunch duty schedules; Headmaster Armitage hardly ever called a staff meeting unless it was something crucial.
It turned out, the original caretaker, Mr. Atif, had called in sick, so they were expecting a stand-in. A sudden knock on the door signified his entrance. "Ah," Headmaster Armitage smiled, "here he is."

A tall figure in brown coveralls holding a broom walked in the door. His appearance made him seem intense: he was considerably old from the wrinkles on his long, narrow face. A soft, gentle smirk contradicted his grey, naturally-arched and menacing eyebrows. His eyes held a mysterious hue behind their stormy color, yet it felt familiar.

"I'm the new caretaker," he introduced himself in a Scottish accent, giving him a more friendly aura. "John Smith."
Scrunching my eyebrows, I bit my lower lip in thought: I used to know someone who used that alias. I glanced over at Ms. Oswald whose eyes were wide as saucers.

"Welcome to Coal Hill, Mr. Smith," Mr. Pink welcomed him, shaking his hand firmly.

"Thanks," he acknowledged. "Yes, the name's John Smith. But, you know, here's the thing: most people just call me.." He trailed off as he caught my gaze. "The Doctor." He finished. His eyes held mine for a few moments until he cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "So, if anybody needs me, just, you know, give me a shout. I'll be in the storeroom just getting the lie of the land."

The other teachers slowly filed out of the room, losing interest in his speech, except for Miss Oswald who was practically glaring at him. "Yes, nobody's taking any notice at all," he continued as I stepped out the door. "Absolutely good news because it means I must be coming across just as an absolutely boring human being like you." I turned around to see Ms. Oswald spinning around and mouthing something to him.

"Deep cover," he said nonchalantly, holding the door. His eyes switched back to me with an awestruck stare. "D-deep cover," he stammered before shutting the door and canceling our impromptu staring contest. Why did he look at me like that, and why did his eyes seem so familiar?

"Does he know you?" Ms. Oswald's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"N-no." I stuttered, looking at her suspicious expression. "You seem to, though."

She shook her head. "Never met him in my life," she answered quickly.

"Really? Because you sure were giving him what-for with those glares of yours," I chuckled.

"Well, you seemed to catch his attention every time he looked at you, eh?" She smirked, walking by me. "I've got to get to class. Good day, Ms. (L/n)."

"And to you, Ms. Oswald," I replied, rolling my eyes and making my way back to my classroom, the new caretaker on my mind for some reason.
As I walked down the corridor, I noticed the caretaker standing on a ladder trying to fix one of the lights. As I looked a bit closer, I noticed he placed something on the wire that connected it to the ceiling.

"What is that?" I inquired out loud, startling him. His wide eyes glanced around for an excuse.

"Uh, just a new security system, that's all," he answered, stepping down the ladder.

"Why would we need one?" I chuckled. "We received a new one at the beginning of the year."

"Yes," he hopped off of the last step, "but these will give you more surveillance advantages. You know, keep the kids from doing things like this." He gestured to a message that read, "Ozzie loves the Squaddie" on the window.

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