James T. Kirk

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I briskly walked to the Captain's quarters-not that I wanted to be there, but Captains orders are crucial-and knocked on the door.

"Come in, Commander (Y/l/n)."

My stomach churned in a sickly, uneasy way at the sound of his deep, raspy voice. I took in a deep breath, taking a small tug at the collar of my yellow Command dress, and sauntered in to see Jim Kirk sitting at his desk in the corner of his room facing toward a high-tech computer.

"You wanted to see me, Captain?" I spoke up.

"Yes, I did." He turned around in his chair to look at me; those bright blue eyes of his immediately locked with mine, trying to beguile me. They traveled slowly down to my feet, taking in every one of my "features", and back up to my eyes. "Before I begin, I must say how undeniably attractive you look today." I sighed and momentarily closed my eyes, refraining myself from rolling my eyes, then opened them to see a devilish smirk plastered on his face.

"Okay, drop the act, James. What do you want from me?"

"Nothing special." He got up from his chair and waltzed towards me.

"Here's the thing, sweetheart.." My right eye slightly twitched and my blood slowly started to boil. I hated those stupid pet names. He walked around to the front of his desk and stood a foot away from me. "This upcoming mission to find John Harrison is imminent and I'm not very confident about us having the right coordinates."

I blinked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, we've never been to Kronos before and I'm not sure we've got the correct location."

"Captain, as the ship's Chief Navigation Officer I take my duties seriously. I can assure you that everything is properly prepared. I've done everything required to find the exact location of Kronos and set the correct coordinates to get there."

"Is that so?" He inquired in an amused tone. He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned on the edge of his desk. "I hate to say this but I'm kinda doubting you right now, Commander."

I pressed my lips into a thin line. How dare he doubt me! "Why is that, Captain?" I said, nearly spitting out the last word.

"All I'm saying here is I want you to show me what you have planned for our voyage. How we're getting there, where it is, and when we'll get there."

"Captain, you do realize Pike recruited me for a reason, right?"

His jaw tightened at the mention of his name. Taking in a slow but sharp breath in he turned his back to me momentarily. "Yes. I know." Quickly wiping his face with his left arm, he turned back to me. "I just want to make sure everything's in correct condition. I already have the ship's mechanisms to worry about, the last thing I need to worry about is finding the exact location of this man and bringing him to justice." His solemn blue orbs bored straight into mine, burning right through me.

"Uh, sure. I can show you right now-"

"I'm kind of busy at the moment, (Y/n). How about tonight?"

"Tonight?! But Captain-"

"Sorry, honey. Captain's orders."

I was furious at this point. "You have got to be KIDDING me!" I fumed, throwing my arms up. "What other plans could you possibly have that are more important than this?"

"Well, uh-"

The door suddenly creaked opened, the sound of heels clicking after it.

"Jim?" A feminine voice called out. "I'm here, Jim." I turned around to see one of the young, blonde cadets standing in front of the entrance. She wore a v-neck shirt that went way too low, a pair of shorts that hardly covered her thin, pencil-like thighs, and a pair of wedge heels. A bunch of makeup was caked on her face.

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