01- the world moved for her

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show me a girl
whose eyes twinkle like a clear lake
under the rays
of a golden sun,
whose hair is the shade
of a mood you want to sell,
whose heart is cracked and bruised like a beer bottle under the hands
of your deepest nightmares.
show me what she buried
deep beneath the constellations
in her eyelashes
and the color of her cheeks
when hit with a thousand flakes
of white snow.
show me the raw emotions
her parents slapped her with
and the road of tears
they had paved in neat precision.
show me the lies
that drip down her berry lips
and the scratches she did
on her pale left arm.
put it all together,
and you got yourself what most
have wanted to be:
a down-to-earth girl
whose rough edges on the face,
the sincerity of her emotions,
the deepness of her past,
and a one-of-a-kind smile
that can change the world.
not by huge amounts,
but bit by bit.


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