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The whole time we was in class people whispered about me and Isla, like if that didn't have anything better to do. I looked over at Isla to see her zoned out with teary eyes I looked away, I hate seeing her upset.

The bell ringed so I stood up and held my hand out for Isla she grabbed it and got up.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah" she said. "Let's just go to our next class"

I nodded and we started walking to physics. We walked in and took a seat next to each other. Luckily, the people that bullied Isla weren't there.

"Welcome to physics!" said a woman in the front of the classroom."I'm Ms.James, today we will be learning formulas"

I internally groaned and took out my pencil.


The lunch bell rang and everyone scurried out of the classroom. Isla and I made our way into the cafeteria. A strong order of chemicals filled up my nostrils as we walked into the lunch

"Oh God what the heck do they put into the food" I said trying not to gag.

Isla grabbed a tray with salad "I have no idea it's like their trying to kill us"

I picked up what seemed to be meatloaf and beans, then followed Isla to an empty table in the back.

I poked the meatloaf with my fork. "Why do they treat you like that?" I asked

"What do you mean?" she questioned.

"The teacher sent you to sit on the floor and everyone was talking crap even though you did nothing"

"I...I don't know to be honest" she took a bite of her salad. "It's always been like this ever since I.."

"Eww, look at her" I looked up to see the blonde girl in first period with her rat crew.

"Do you really think eating that salad will make your fat ass, skinny" said one of them

I raised my eyebrow Isla isn't fat they're the ones who look like walking skeletons in miniskirts.


Isla only looked down at the floor defeated. All of a sudden one of the girls pushed Isla into the floor.

"Get up fat ass" said the blonde girl to Isla.

I had enough of there bulling so I stood up and made my way to them.

"Get o..out of my way r..rats" I said

They all turned around to look at me.

"Who are you talking to like that freak" she screeched

"I.. I'm talking to your bitchy s..self. Do you really think that you're all of that? Calling someone fat when I...I can see your bones through your skin" I snapped back.

They all just stood there with their mouths open, I made my way through them to get Isla. She was crying and bleeding.

I grabbed our book bags. "Come on let's leave this place" I said

She shook her head no "They will hurt us".

I sighed and picked up Isla and started walked out the door to outside, while the whole cafeteria stared at us.

"What are you doing? You know I can walk." She yelled

"You didn't want to so I had to bring you out of that hellish place" I responded

There was a moment of empty silence as I continued walking to the parking lot.

"Where are we going? "she asked.

"To my car"

When we made our way there, I finally let go of Isla. We both got in the car, and started to drive to her house.


"OWWW IT BURNS" screamed Isla.

"If I don't do this you will get an infection" I said

I tried to move the cotton dipped in alcohol to the scrap on her elbows. She pulled away and hissed.

"What do you want Isla"

She looked down and smiled. "Well.."

"Just say it"

"I WANT ICECREAM!"She yelled

"Okay if I get you some if you let me clean your scrap?"I asked


I cleaned the scrap as she whimpered. I finally put on the bandage.

"All done, Its t..time for me to leave..."

"BUT YOU SAID YOU WOULD GET ME ICECREAM!"She said in a demonic voice.

"Good Lord, Isla" I said "I forget, we can get it now."

She hopped off the counter. "Hurry before my brother gets home."

WOW ISLA HAS 3 SIDES OF HER!!! Yes she dose her shy, insecure, nerdy side is what what most people see. Her Bold, Snarky side is how she acts in the inside. And her childish side (What you read in the end of this chapter)

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