New Friend

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Sorry I didn't update for a while

I was happily eating my ice cream as Noah stared at the ground. I thought about what happened earlier today.

"Um Noah" I said

He looked up at me.

"Thanks for what you did earlier today"

"I had to do something for my fr..neighbor." he said.

I paused for a moment

"So I'm just your neighbor"

Noah shrugged his shoulders.

"And you're my best friend" I said as I grabbed him into a bear hug. He was tense as I let go.

"What's wrong" I asked

He scratched the back of his neck "W..well a g..girl never hugged me before"

"So.. a guy never picked me up before you, and no one stood up for me before you" I said.

"Really?" he asked

"Yeah before you, know one stood up for me, and the people who I thought were my "friends" never was with me for long because they didn't want to get bullied too" I said

"I can kind of relate to you" he said

I looked over to him. He was looking down with his hands on his lap.

"Before I moved here, people would bully me about my looks. They would always compare me to my brother saying that he's good looking and I'm the ugly one. They would shove me into lockers, beat me up, and I had no friends because of that" he said.

"Wait" I said "You have a brother"

"Yeah my twin brother he's not here right now because he's traveling with his football team."

"Dang that's tough" I said

A few minutes passed before it was time for us to leave.


"I really don't want to go to school" I said

It was the morning of the next day and I was standing outside of Noah car.

"I don't want to go either but we have to" he said

I went in the car and shut the door. We drove to school in silence. When we got there we exited the car.

"Are you ready?" he asked

"Yeah" I responded

When we went in all eyes were on us, people imminently started whispering

"Those were the people that went against Jessica" said a group of people around a locker

I rolled my eyes and Noah and I went our lockers. As I grabbed my stuff and turned around I saw Jessica and her crew.

"Listen up you and your little boyfriend should not be messing with me"

I slammed my locker and looked at them.

"Excuse me but you're the one who always trying to talk crap to me, so you and your crew can turn around and walk away with your flat selves."

"Who do you thin—" I walked away before she could finish her sentence.

As I headed to first period, Noah ran up next to me

"Finally you said something to those brats" Noah said

"I got tired of them humiliating me."

We walked and talked until we enter first period, luckily there was an extra desk.

"I may or not have complaint about Mr. River to the principal"

I smirked and took a seat in a desk in the back while Noah took a seat in the front. Everyone stared at me as I took my notebook and pencil out.

A girl that I have never noticed sat next to me. She was pretty she had tan skin, hazel eyes and wore the latest trends.

"I liked what you said to those bootleg Barbie dolls back there." Said the girl.

A person from this school is actually talking to me right now.

"All I said was a couple words, the rest of the words are not appropriate to say out loud."I said

She laughed. "You're funny. I'm Jasmine and this is my first year here."

"Oh so your new. That explains why you're talking to me."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well if you didn't know I'm Isla, I'm the laughing stock of the school and people do anything just to avoid me."

"Oh heck no, I don't care about the other people. I saw that people treat you like crap and I'm willing to put an end to that even if they'll treat me like crap too." She said.

Is she serious, if so I know she won't stick with me for long?

"Oh...thanks" I said "That means a lot"

"No problem new friend!"Jasmine said

Should I do Noah's point of view once in a while or only do Isla's?

Feedback is welcomed

Nerdy Neighbors (BWWM)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें