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Xavier POV

I finished putting on my clothes and some cologne and headed down the stairs.

I seen Ms. Jackson sitting in front of the tv doing one of the kids hair.

"You and Zion be safe, these policemen are something else Zion will fill you in, tell him to take you by the store as well, so you can get familiar with that too, Kaliegh is already there, so you two will take the night shift and I'll stop by and bring y'all some dinner!" She told me.

"Cool!" I said emotionless.

"I know this is still rough getting settled and use to, but just give it a chance baby!" She told me.

I knew Ms.Jackson meant well but, this whole working thing, is not me, and the ghetto!

But she has been nothing but nice to me and somehow I feel safe with her!

"Yes mam!" I said before walking on to the porch.

There outside was Zion waiting for me.

He actually had on clothes, just a black with a red supreme logo in the middle, dark ripped jeans, and some black and red J's!

Can you say meal?

"There you are, damn niggaaa you take forever getting ready!" He said already starting!

"Look we can cancel this!" I said.

"Man shut up and bring your dramatic ass on here!" He said, getting up off the porch and starting out the yard.

Mmm something about when a nigga tells me too shut up.

I followed him though, closing the gate behind me.

"You smell good by the way!" He said.

"Soap and water! My fav!" I said bring a smart ass!

"Dude your attitude is pissy!" He said annoyed!

We kept walking, he pointed out some stores!

We passed the high school, which isn't too far from the house, but it definitely looks ghetto! I mean so bad I know nobody would even think to go up in there shooting!

We started off on what Zion said is his favorite way to the park.

Too many trees, I definitely felt like I was in a forest!

My legs and feet was hurting from all this walking I swear we've walked 30 Miles!

We finally made it to this cliff, that over looked the city, it was breathtaking!

"Wow!" I said without thinking.

"This my favorite place to come to just think, chill, and relax!" Zion said.

"This is pretty dope!" I said

"Finally something that pleases Mr.Goody Two Shoes!" He said tryna be smart.

"Dude fuck you! You don't know shit about me or where I've come from!" I told him.

"You walk around here like you better than everybody else, looking down on our community, fuck off with that!" He said

"You sound pretty fucking stupid, I haven't been here that long for to make those assumptions!" I said.

"You make it obvious! Your body language! Your looks! This is all some of us have!! We don't have nothing to go back to after our "Rich" parents get it together! This is it! Praying and hoping that, the system doesn't come in and move us away from Ms. J, this is home!" He said very emotional! Now in my face!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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