"Yes I will ring if I need ya" I smiled at him.

We said our goodbyes and it was just me left in my apartment.

I pulled my suitcase into the bedroom and sat on the bed and just looked around even though it was bare, plain and simple, it was mine. I was happy I was finally finding my feet and having a fresh start especially after everything I've been through. I started unpacking my suitcase, I put away my clothes in the wardrobe and chest of draws, I put my toiletries and towels in the bathroom.

I needed to go to the supermarket to get some cutlery for my kitchen as I had nothing to eat with or cook with, I needed to get some food plus I need to get pillows, a duvet and sheet for my bed. As Nate's dad drove me to my place I noticed there was a Walmart just down the street from me which was good for me because even though I could drive I didn't have a car because I couldn't afford it at the moment.

I grabbed my bag, phone and keys and headed to Walmart to buy a few essentials that I needed. It took me 10 minutes to walk there, I entered the shop and got a trolley. Walking up and down the isles of the shop I grabbed the food/drink that I needed for a few days. I managed to get everything that was on my list in my head, if had forgotten anything, I will just have to go without and get it next time.

I finished shopping and headed back home with all my bags. I put everything away where I wanted it to go. I made my bed with my new butterfly duvet set which was gorgeous. By the time I had finished it was 5:30pm and my stomach was growling at me.

My phone rang alerting me that I had an incoming call.

"Hey Natey" I said.

"Hey girl how's the unpacking going?" He said back.

"That's done babe, I've even been shopping and put all that away as well" I said proudly.

"Someone's being little miss speedy" he laughed. "Anyway, I'm coming over I'll be there in about 20 minutes."

"Ok I'll see you soon" I said hanging up.

20 minutes later I heard the door bell sound, there standing in front of my door was my favourite person Nate.

"I come baring gifts" he chuckles holding out 2 bags, I take the bags off him and look inside. My eyes go wide and a huge grin appears on my face.

"Mmmm.... just what the doctor ordered" I laugh.

"Erm.... babe, the doctor doesn't order you to get drunk" he laughed and poured us both a dissorano and coke.

I made us a nice lasagne and salad for dinner, we ate that then settled on the sofa to watch the film Mr & Mrs Smith. We both knew most of the words as we loved the film. By the time it was 2:30pm we had gone through a whole bottle of dissorano and boy was I feeling very tipsy.

"Bedtime" I sang to Nate, he was just as drunk as me.

I walked to the bathroom, done my business, brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. I walked in the the kitchen to grab a glass of water while Nate was in the bathroom. When I got back into the bedroom Nate was laying like a starfish on his back, just so typical of Nate. I made him move over and got into my nice, new warm bed and let the darkness consume me.

Falling for my BossWhere stories live. Discover now