“What?” I prop myself up on my elbows and look at him questioningly.

   “Don’t ask anything, just get up and get ready.” he replies, taking my hands in his.

   I breathe out and just close my eyes again, he lets go of my hands as I lay back down.

   “Alexandria,” he chuckles. “come on, I’ll take you out.”

   “I don’t want to.” I mumble, turning to the side with my back facing him.

   He sits down on the edge of the bed and puts his hand on my waist.

   “Please.” he says, I look over my shoulder and look at him; he was smiling at me as he looks at me hopefully.

   Geez, I seriously can’t resist this boy.

   I sit up and he stands next to the bed again and puts his hands out to me, this time; I take his hands and he pulls me up from the bed.

   “Just wear anything casual, I’ll wait for you downstairs.” he smiles, walking towards the door and out into the hallway.

   I lock the door and start to get ready, I change into a pair of white high waist jeans, tucking in a fitted black long sleeves top and just put on a pair of black Converse. I put a little bit of makeup, like eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss before taking my coat and go downstairs.

   “Hey, I am ready.” I say to him as soon as I arrive in the Living room where Rye is.

   “You look beautiful.” he compliments whilst smiling a little.

   I furrow my eyebrows at him and shake my head, “Yeah right, come on.”

   “What?” he gets up from the sofa and walks towards me. “I am serious.”

   I just bite my lip and didn’t say anything, as the two of us walk out of our house.

• • •

   We take a train to Camden Town Station and start to walk towards Camden Buck Street Market, where there are a lot of people already since it’s a weekend. Rye takes my hand and the two of us make our way through the crowd and start to walk down the alleys of stalls – selling clothing, jewelries, and shoes.

   “You want anything?” he asks, looking over his shoulder.

   “Nah, I am good.” I reply with a smile, shaking my head lightly.

   Just before he could say anything, my phone starts to ring. I pull it out from my coat and check the caller ID, before answering it.

   “Hey, what’s up?” I ask.

   “Are you and Rye out together?” Andy asks.

   “Yeah, we’re at Camden Market right now.” I reply.

   “Rye didn’t say anything about taking you out on a date.” he mutters.

   I look at Rye, who’s in front of me and he was just looking at me, so I quickly look away as soon as our eyes met.

   “Well, cause it’s not a date.” I reply.

   “Yeah right, neither of you even told us that you were going out. You two probably don’t want anyone to ruin your moment together, do you?” he asks.

   “Andy!” I chuckle, shaking my head.

   “I am just asking,” he lets out a laugh. “well enjoy you two. Bye, love you.”

   “Bye, I love you too.” I reply and end the call.

   Putting it back into the pocket of my coat, I look at Rye who’s looking at me expectantly and sheepishly smile at him.

   “What did Andy say?” he asks.

   “He asked if we’re out together and when I told him that we are at Camden right now, he said that you didn’t say anything about taking me out on a date; so I told that it isn’t a date, but you know Andy..” I reply, looking at him shyly.

   “Well, maybe this is a date.” he seriously says, my eyes slightly go wide.

   Stop acting like that, Ryan; I am already falling for you.

   “Let’s just go, Ryan.” I reply rather flatly.

   He furrows his eyebrows and I just turn around and start to walk away from him. After a couple minutes of just walking around the market, we decide to just head to the Camden Lock Market. When we get there, we bought our foods first and eat it before we continue to go around. What I enjoy the most are the Camden’s Stables Market, though there were times where Rye and I almost got lost with the tunnels and arches. The two of us just bought some shirts, jumpers, and a couple souvenirs, before he takes me to the Regent’s canal.

  “Thank you, Rye.” I say, as the two of us walk down the side of the canal.

   “You don’t have to thank me.” he reply, chuckling.

   “I do,” I retort. “you always seem to know how to make me feel better and I am thankful for that.”

   He stops walking and turns to me, tucking my hair behind my ear. He smiles and checks his phone for a second, I see that it is already six and it’s starting to get dark already.

   “Maybe we should head back now.” he says, looking back at me.

   “Yeah, it’s getting late already.” I reply.

   Just like what he did earlier, he takes my hand and starts to head back to where we came from. I just look at him as we walk and I could feel my heart beat faster; no matter how much I try to put aside the thought of falling for him, it just keeps on coming back.

   “Let’s go to Exmouth Market next time,” he says, snapping me out from my thoughts. “there’s a lot of restaurants and cafes there, I am pretty sure you’re going to like it there.”

   “Sure.” I simply reply whilst smiling.

   I bite my lip and just look around, the market looks even more beautiful with all the lights. In just a couple minutes, Rye and I get back to Slough.

   “Thanks for walking me home, Rye.” I say to him as we walk up the stairs to the porch, I stop once we reach the top and look at him.

   “Anytime.” he replies, smiling back at me.

   I say goodbye to him, before walking inside and go up to my room. I just had a quick shower, before I sit down on my bed with my laptop on my lap. Waiting for it to turn on, I type a text to Rye.

to: Ryan Beaumont
      — Thanks for today, Beaumont, goodnight!!x

   Once it was already sent, I lock the screen and just put it down next to me. I go on Twitter and the boys are active, liking tweets and replying to the Roadies. A couple tweets pop up on my feed; photos and videos of the boys with the Roadies. I view a couple tweets of Rye with the girls and I just feel my heart ache a bit, it isn’t because I am jealous or anything but because I realize that he’s just really like that, I shouldn’t give his treatment or his behavior towards me any meaning.

   I have to stop myself from falling for him or else I’ll get hurt, maybe distancing myself from him would help, just maybe.

Petit Monde (Rye Beaumont)Where stories live. Discover now