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I slip on a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, black low cut vans and a grey beanie. I throw my burgundy backpack over my shoulder as I rush out of the house and make my way over to school.

I pull the strings of my hood, tightening it around my head. I open up my locker and throw my backpack inside before closing it and heading towards the cafeteria. I sit down at the usual table where Aubrey's already sitting at, burying my head in my arms.

After a couple of minutes I manage to get my head out of my arms, looking straight at Aubrey with bloodshot eyes. "what the fuck" was all she managed to get out.

She stares at me for awhile, shock written all over her face. "did you seriously come to school high" I nodded slightly in response, not really feeling anything at all.

"Andrea- I get it Grayson's gone and all, but you can't just come to school after smoking pot" she said placing her forehead in the palm of her hand, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I'm just stupid... like I've always been" I mumbled under my breath, barely audible.

Before Aubrey could respond Mike fucking Hart shows up. Without even looking at him, I can already see he has a cocky ass smirk on his face as his eyes burn through my skin. "look who we have here Andrea and Aubrey, the new power duo" Ugh he sounds so fucking stupid.

"fuck off Mike" I say slowly turning my head towards him, looking him dead in the eye.

"would you look at that, Andrea's high at school." he said in a mocking voice. "sad your fag of a friend is gone" ( I fucking hate using that word )

"would you just shut the fuck up and stop being a goddamn hypocrite" I growl, trying my best not to lose my shit.

"I'm not scared of you Burkings" He said, looking at me with this psychotic look, almost as if he was asking for more.

"Fuck You" I say groggily, trying to punch him. But instead, I fell to the floor.

Everything became a blur, I couldn't see straight, nor could I hear straight.

I felt a sudden pain in my stomach, like the breath was taken out of me.

It just got worse and worse.

I was fucking laughing, and spitting blood out my mouth.

I can't feel shit.

Next ting I know, I'm being lifted up by some person.

Then everything went black.


"Andrea!" I heard a faint voice say.

"Andrea!" I heard it a bit more clearly.

"Andrea!" There I heard it completely clear. I broadly wake up, breathing heavily.

Then I feel the extreme pain in my stomach and a goddamn headache hits me a couple seconds later.

All noise is gone, I panic.

I'm not in my bedroom, or in any other familiar room I've been in at all.

Two pairs of hands grab my shoulder and shake me a little. "Andrea! Breathe."

Ethan! I must be in Ethan's room.

I look to my left, only to be met by Ethan.

My breathing slowly but surely gets better by the second, as I look into Ethan's eyes for reassurance.

Once my breath is in place, my head just gives up and falls onto Ethan's shoulder.

Ethan puts his chin on top of my head whilst wrapping his arms around my body.
"Shhh" he coos, making me melt into him.

After a minute I'm able to get my head up.

Fuck this headache.

Ugh my mouth is all bloody and my lips feels dry and crusty.

Ethan's pov

God Andrea looks horrible. All color is drained from her skin, dry blood around her lips and her eyes are filled with nothingness.

"Come on let's get you to the bathroom"

Once we get to the bathroom, I pull her up on the counter.

"What happened" she manages to get out.

"You apparently came to school high, and you got in a fight, you had no power so you fell to the floor and repeatedly got hit in the stomach" I explained to her.

She chuckles a little and leans on the wall.

I get a cloth and drown it in water before cleaning up the dried blood on Andrea's face.

"I'll be back in a minute" I say before I go to the kitchen, to get Andrea a glass of water.

After I got the glass of water, I got back to the bathroom and gave Andrea the glass.

She pulled the glass up to her lips and poured some into her mouth. She wiggled the water around in her mouth, cleaning it. Then spitting it out into the sink, before taking a sip.

"God it tastes disgusting"she gages out.
"Do you have anything else to drink? you know, water tastes horrible with this blood taste in my mouth."


Look who finally posted after five years.

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